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Wednesday, September 9, 2009 @ 2:32 PM

hehe! Today went to play tennis with Cui! Well, it wasn't really a game. The ball didn't come back tome more than twice?I guess... BUt its fun! Most of the time, we were running around! Not hitting tennis balls BUT picking them... Shld have brought more tennis balls! 3 wasn't enough...OH well, so after it, we ate lunch! Cheesecake, lemon tea (too sweet), 4 sushi (NICE!), and 3 Gyoza!! hehe! And u know, I really stunk! Could smell myself. gross... Haha, used cui's "sprayspray" my maid said it smelt like chlorine.. apparently. oh well!

Ahh, so many hw to do...
OH did u notice? I changed my blogskin background!! the layouts still the same. too lazy to change the WHOLE THING!



Monday, August 31, 2009 @ 8:06 PM

HI !!
It has been a long time... A super duper longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglong TIME! hehe!!!
Oh well, Since Ee Lynn has said I shld update... Then OKIE!

OK so, today was really awesome as we had a class reunion WHICHWHICHWHICH Quite a lot of people turned up! Great job to those who managed to drag the people here! BUt seriously, loads of ppl who like NVR go for class outings, ACTUALLY TURNED UP!
THat's unbelievable!! BUt I LUV IT! heh

Ok so, reached school like SUPER early coz my dad drove Cui and me back there. Y? Becoz I dropped my phone in the car this morning and my daD had to pass it to me!! Haha, so cool eh?? ok..
OH well, at least we could go into JPS. BUt NONE of our teachers were back there. Couldn't even see Mr foo(l)!! haha! BUt well, At least we could see tang lao shi! heh. So after that went to JP for lunch! OHoh
THe fun part was, we went to Central Park, and we took a class photo!! Not really a class, becoz not everyone was there... And so, after it, we were playing catching. Girls catch boys.!!!! HEHEHE... Oh well, didn't manage to catch all! but who cares.. So after it, we played truth or dare ( the usual game) The second person was me alright... This game seriously, the only questions u can ask are like ALL related to... Crushes, like this like that. Or sth! Haha.
OK so, that was mainly it! Left the place after playing at the playground for awhile. BUt well, it was a GREATGREATGREATGREAT time!!

Go 6E! YOu guys just rock!!! Really looking forward to the next class outing!! Oct?? heh. Ok. BYEBYE! LUV 6E ALWAYS!!


Ps. Dun expect me to always blog. Coz I'm not going to ^^


Saturday, July 25, 2009 @ 11:04 AM

Went there around 4pm all the way till 10pm. And it was really really fun. Coz we were doing ushering and we were taking so many pix and playing Broken telephone. haha, that was funny! Ohoh! I lov the rejoice tee too! PINK! again! hehe.
Ok so, Loved the worship session. And God was really in the midst of all of us!


Sunday, July 12, 2009 @ 11:20 AM

Hehe, Had swimming on Thurs and I did my first FREEstyle! haha... Super bad though and my arms were like aching the mext day ( a lil bit...)
Yesterday, It was really scary and uneventful. There was a little accident and I didn't go to church. And at night I went to my aunt's hse for this farewell BBQ dinner for my cuz. And it was really boring...Haiz.
Anw, dun really like to blog nowadays.. haha

Friday, July 3, 2009 @ 4:47 PM

Hey! One week has passed... OK that's like really fast.
Ok so, we had a MAJOR change in the seating arrangement in class... Kind of dreading it at first. Coz its like I'm right SMACK in the middle of the class and well... So, I'm enjoying only 50% of the seating. At least there are super NICE ppl sitting behind me... BUt well, nvm..
Tomorrow going to Andrea's house for cell! Yipee! Ok no, she has a BIIIG Dog! Ahh! But she's cute.. ^^
Ok fine, this is getting boring. BYE!


Sunday, June 28, 2009 @ 1:41 PM

OH MY GOSH! 2moro is the start of Term 3! Whao, one manth did past fast! At least I've done loads of AWESOME stuff! Camp, class outing... *study* ahaha! Ok well, dono whether to feel happy or sad.. Sad, well because I can't stay home and play as I did and I can't sleep until late late then wake up... Ok not really not late. Happy... Because, I can see ALL of my MG friends! haha! OK shoot.. haven't finish hw.. the submitting part. I'll do it later... This time hols. It's really bad, I've been SOooooo not doing my work! Haiz..
Ok so, yesterday when I went for YS. Then I had to go there myself coz my dad & mum wasn't free. So, I took the bus. && Becoz I've got no idea which stop to stop at, I stopped one stop before the supposed bustop. Becoz my mum told me to alight when I see Cdans. So, when I saw Cdans, I alighted! But at the wrong one... So, apparently I was wearing my new flats which was really painful. Then I had to like SO FAR to reach Church. HAiyo! OH then they were taking temp and sanitizing our hands when we reached. Cool eh? haha

OHOH, yesterday I was SO HAPPY! I finally got a new phone! Yipee! haha..


Friday, June 19, 2009 @ 1:55 PM


Had youth camp from Sun to Wed and it was awesome!!!
The first day... I went to church at around 3pm and then becoz The cranwell bungalow in changi was used as a influenza A quarentine area, we couldn't go there for chalet, so had to use the Church! BUt it was alright... Other than the fact that we had to sleep on the floor. And now my sides are aching!
The food was not that good...(SORRY!) Ya, I was kind of having a diet in the camp! all the meals, I threw almost everything away. NOt becoz I wanted to eat a lil' bit only, but it was becoz the food and rice isn't that nice...! Haiz.
Well, did I mention I brought a really BIGBIGBIG bag for the camp?? And there wasn't really that much clothes! Haiz, Samantha's bag was like SO SMALL!! and so was the other's!! Weird me...

Ok so,we went to sentosa for this Amazing race game, haha, SO FUN! and then we were kind of being "thrown out" by the ppl of the school we were on. This tourism academy? How were we to know that we were not allowed to use the grounds of the sch (which really didn't lok like one!) So Purple sumurais were 2nd! haha. Oh we had this tribe identity, SO CUTE!! I mini wooden sword with purple cltho hanging from it! AWW!

oh and we slept like really late for all the nights like 12+ 1.. I sleep at 10+ 11 all the time... So on the third day we went to Chua chu kang park at night like 9 to 12! and it was so late for thid treasure hunt game. Really cool though! And then there were durian trees which had signs saying *beware of falling durians* How i wish I can pick and eat it up!! haha! So went to sleep at only 2+am and woke up at 8+am...so that was the last day of camp.

Wed was my dad's birthday then we played tennis and it really seems like I have forgotten how to play tennis!!! Oh and we ate at this super sucky japanese restaurant and had to buy durians so that it can seem like a lil conpensation for the sucky food that we ate. Oh I LOVED the durian!

And on Thurs, We drove up to Malaysia! JB... But didn't buy much stuff, really NOTHING!! AH! Hate this age, Cannot find clothes to buy...>,< And so, my dad was a lil lost in Malaysia but then THANK GOD!!! We found the shopping centre! haha! So ate at Kenny Rogers and then that was another conpensation for Wed's sucky food... Oh I love the muffins and the mocha! Haha! I think I'm really addicted to MOCHA!!!! ^^

Friday, June 12, 2009 @ 9:35 AM

Yesterday was 6E's class outing at CSC!!!

So, yesterday everyone was quite early, but at the start there wasn't much to do...Played Truth and Dare. (VERY GROSS!!!) And then we were playing football when Moses kicked the ball to high that it flew out of the treehouse and into the pool under it... Phew! Really have to thank the guy who helped us throw up the ball! ^^

Ohoh, and when the ezb ppl called to tell us the food was there, Iskandar, Ee Lynn and I ran down to get it. And i did the stupid-est thing ever! I forgot to bring down my wallet! haha! And so, Iskandar ran up to get my wallet(Cui took it for me). So paid the driver and ya! Didn't think that they would send so much stuff... On the list, it really seemed like there wasn't much food... OH and I nvr knew ice, chicken and some other stuff and 24 cans of coke was so heavy!That it would one perspire a thousand litres of perspiration! HAHA!

These are the cookies I made! Cool right??? The heart shaped ones are really nice! OK fine, they're all the same, chocolate chip cookies...

Oh Ee Lynn wrote my name on the ground with ice!


Ahaha! Bimbo Pose!
1) Xenia
2) Ee Lynn
3) Nicole
4) Shi Lei
5) Zi Fong
6) MEE!!

Ok so, we were kind of having trouble starting the fire at first. Ok maybe not me, coz I didn't do anything BBQ...BUT! I did get my hand black! AHAHA!
ANyway, Just want to thank Mei Wen, Xenia, Chanel, Iskandar, Amanda and all those who helped out in the BBQ-ing! Sorry for not helping out at all! haha, I was just sitting, talking and waiting there for the food to come... oh well, GREAT JOB GUYS!!!
Ok so, when it was really late, then we went for this really unscary "ghost trail" which involves walking along that dark path because it was like 9++ and the swimming pool lights were off and everything else was closed! So it was like really dark other than those lights near the paths and the lights in our treehouse as well as the naturally light from the moon/stars!
OK but it wasn't scary at all..

During the day, Gwen, Ee Lynn and I were trying to make the coke can explode when we open it. So at first we tried to shake it but there wasn't much explosion. So, we ran to the stairs. And Ee Lynn tried rolling the can down slowly and I threw/roll the can down. haha, the can bloated up on both it sides forming a semi-circle at both ends! haha, NOW THAT REALLY MADE A BIG EXPLOSION! Gwen opened it and it was like some kind or firehose! The coke was spraying out of the can. Really spraying and I got it all over my legs! eww! haha!
Ok so the other time was.. we rolled it down the stairs again and Gwen went to open it in front of Iskandar! AHahaha! EXPLOSION! Down his shirt the coke went.. haha! **Sorry! I didn't dare to open it, I got phobia of opening cans as I cut my finger last time**
around 9.30pm. My parents came. And there were walking along the dark path. Totally freaky... They looked like two dark figures in the shadows! haha... apparently, we were talking about going on the ghost trail when they came!

Sunday, June 7, 2009 @ 11:18 AM

Ever Since I was a baby, I LOVED durian and nvr hated it! BUt now, after yesterday's dinner at Carlton, I"M DURIAN PHOBIC!!! AHH!!
haha, lol, Well, its because yesterday's food was all about DURIAN!!
-Durian Pancake
-Durian Pudding
-Durian Cake
-Durian waffle
-Durian Ice-cream
-Durian cream puff
-Durian pastry
-Freshly shucked Durians

LOOK AT THAT! Wouldn't anyone be durian phobic after eating all those stuff! And my bro was still stuffing his face in those durians...Ok just kidding...But seriously, he was eating alot! Phew! I was like on the verge of puking in the end, see so many durian... If I ever see another durian for the coming month... I'll seriously puke! 30bucks for puking...well, after all its "parents day" u noe, combine mother's and father's day together, it makes parent's day! haha!
Class outing is in 4 more days!! CSC club... BBQ, Swimming(ahh!), Tennis(hehe... NEWBIE!), Talk, so on...


Monday, June 1, 2009 @ 11:13 AM

Yesterday was Much Ado about nothing at Fort Canning Park! So, went there at around 6.30? Then saw, Janice, Sarah, Isabella, Faith and a lot more waving at me. Phew! Luckily I no need to search all around the whole place looking for them.. Ok so, when we went in , We had to sit on the grass with our picnic mats AND there was SO MUCH FOOD!! but not that many mats... Ok and so many of u brought Mirinda, NOT miranda. haha! And Bev and I were the server because we were sitting nearest to the food! " Miranda, give me a cup of Mirinda!" " Bev, can I have a bowl of fried Rice?" haha.. So, the play was not that bad, but the language used was a il' hard to understand. There are really some VERY GROSS parts! The hat to cover... EWW! Not going to say cause its"sensored!"
There was like so much chips that I'm really feeling SO FAT! eateateat... And I nvr heard cheetos before and Misha thinks I'm weird.! haha! But its nice and ADDICTIVE! So, I've decided to skip lunch for the rest of the week! Not because of yesterday though..
So, after the play(Well, the nicest part of the play was the ending!) we had to clear up THE MESS(and its really THE MESS)so many rubbish bags and food strewn all around... Thank you for those who helped!
Ok so, went home & I was like Dead tired...Phew!!
Ohoh, before Much Ado about Nothing, I went to Singapore Discovery Centre for this family day thingy. And it was quite ok. NObody I knew was there, well except for my family and Bee ling... ohoh, the object show at the Army museum. It was AWESOME!!! haha, and then there was this super strong wind blowing from the 'helicopter" and my mum was covering her face while the rest of us were "enjoying" it! HAHAHA!
Ohoh, so we were like queuing up for those "kacang-puteh"?? Ya and they wrap the nut up with the paper from the yellow pages! EWw! How dirty.. So my dad was taking pictures of those guys wrapping it up and asked me to throw the nuts away. Haiyo!
And the most pathetic is... There was such a long queue for the Muah chee ( i dono how to spell it but) ya, they gave two pathetically small pieces of Muah Chee in one big container! So much for waiting.. Oh, I wanted to go Boat Paddling but in the end, the queue was SO LONG that I think we had to wait for more than an hour to get on one. So, in the end didn't go paddling! T,T
So, later I didn't want to stay coz it was too boring, and went home./...


Wednesday, May 27, 2009 @ 5:23 PM

Hi! Long time haven't been posting... hehe although I was online practically every single day! Well, have been watching a drama but decided not to watch today!
OK so, this week was quite fun as in we went to lots of places for ROCs.
1st Day:
Old MG Campus (Mt Sophia)
Old Mg Campus (Short Street)
National Museum ( THIS TOTALLY ROCKED!)

2nd Day: Civic District
Parliament House
Supreme Court
Singapore River

3rd Day:
Sentosa Imbiah trail (FOREST)

SO... Here comes what I did there!
On the 1t day, it was like the Most fun day! We could go anywhere we want to I mean roam about anywhere when we were there! At least there wasn't any guided tours like the two other days...
SO, Ms Ng and Ms Chong went there with us. They actually turned out to be the best teachers that guided us throughout the week! At least they gave us freedom and independence...And didn't ask us to SIT down on the bus with our butts stuck to the cushy seat!
So, the National Museum part was just awesome! It's like we could run around the whole museum. Erm, no actually run, obviously we're more civilised... SO, we went to this Christian Lacroix costume design exhibition. Well, it was cool with all those really different kind of tutu and some really extravagant dresses ( They are actually opera costumes, not casual/formal wear!) Ok, snapped quite a lot of pics and ya!
Then we went to this vernor panton funiture (Lights and chairs) exhibition. OK, the chairs and lights were really fantastic! && the nicest part was the Phantasy Lanscape. The chairs were SO COOL! U can go check it out if u want but How I wish I have sth like that! Slide around... climb up to the top... lie around... AWW! haha, and the blue plastic bag shoes...Misha had her toe sticking out of her "shoes" because it tore! HAHA!
2nd day,
We had a guided tour around the raffles area? Where there were all those parliament house, supreme court and s'pore river.. COOL! And so, the supreme court was familiar to me, not that I went there to be persecuted, I went there for an attachment with some of 6E! Sat thru 2 court sessions and got stared at by the judge! HAHA! BUt this time we didn't sit thru a court session, I guess we would be really too noisy... Ohoh! And there was this UFO up there! Too bad we couldn't have our cameras along with us...
Ok so, the parliament house was really fun as we could sit at the spot where our Lee Kuan Yew sits! I got the picture of the seat! Cool eh?? oh, saw some other school people there... AC, and I dono, some other schs which I haven't seen before...
Then we walked along S'pore river and well, took some pics but it was really warm there...
3rd Day (today)
We went to sentosa and it was really warm too. And there was really lots of insects!!! Ar! Carpenter Bee, termites, Spider (Not the small kind), soldier ants( Also not the small kind) and lots of other eekie stuff... Great its over!!!
OH well, after this, I've really learnt how scary insects can be! >,<


Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 8:40 PM

We went to NUS and also Sungei Buloh!!!
Ok, Sungei Buloh is not as fun... All we had to spot was Mudskippers, crabs, insects and birds! So... Ok fine, I'm not a nature person alright??
BUt anw, NUS was SO COOL! I mean there was this RMBD museum in it, and there were like SOOO many dead animals*but they have been preserved with arsenic* and we couldn't touch them, only in the museum. Ok, I did take quite some pix. I'll post them next time. AND I think its kind of scary.
Ok, so after that we had this other thing. Where we got to TOUCH real dead animals! So cool!!! Ok, I touched everything! Great accomplishment eh??? Haha, BRAVE me!

Ok so, the weirdest thing is this...
Misha, Hui Min and I were buying pizza, and we took quite some time to choose which one we wanted... SO, in the end, there was this guy, working there as a cook? short guy, then he was like asking "Do u have enough money, if not enough tell me ok? I help u pay" with those type of... EEKIE voice! EWWIESSS!!!

BUt the good thing is, the food there is both nice and cheap! hehehe!
So... Sungei Buloh was alright... It was raining and well, didn't manage to spot much stuff as we had to carry an umbrella as we walk! HAIYO! Anw, glad that was OVER!


Friday, May 15, 2009 @ 5:44 PM

Today was well, not such a great day...
Ok, noe y? Coz I totally flunk my Geog! Arr! ok, I;m thinking I really suck at it! Ok, I've decided, NOT TO TAKE HUMANITIES!
Oh, come to think of it, I think I'm better at Sci! Triple Science for me? OK wait, i'm scared of blood... HAHA!
So, I'm reading the third book of Confessions of a shopaholic which is "Shopaholic Ties the Knot" It's just AWESOME!!! third book I'm reading after a week! Ok, Janice and Sanjana said I was slow... Well, it's just because I dun sit and read for 4 hours straight. I read for half an hour and do other stuff! So that I would not spoil my eyesight! *Well, I guess its not helping considering my spec degree* BUt I find it fast so...
Anw, Yesterday I was really happy with all my marks UNTIL today... I got my geog and Eng!!! T.T Haiyo! I'm going to die on Sat! Eng tuition! DUn worry, I didn't fail Eng or Lit. I failed Geog!!! Stupid Map reading! I've got short term memory! No, just kidding...
Well, NO idea how to tell them!
Ok so, I'm like so looking forward to next week and the week after! Next week, we're going to Sungei Buloh and NUS for the whole day! Ok, so the next week, then we have ROCS!!! Ok, but have to do this really sucky project work!!! ARHHH!!!>,< BUt, at least we have no lessons!
Ohoh, Ms Ng suddenly becomes good eh? Poetry Tea Party at bamboo courtyard... Ok now I've got to find sth to buy for the class! And a poem that I "like"...

ohoh, having Chi tuition in like half an hour although its actually at 7, she comes 30 mins early ALL THE TIME!!!


Monday, May 11, 2009 @ 9:39 AM

Yesterday was... MOTHERS' DAY!!!
hehe, it was like a normal Sunday at first...
BUt at night, we went to "golden Mount" Is that how to spell it???
OK, and my brother treat us dinner! hehehe!
Actually we went to this really rundown place which my mum and I felt SO disgusted. (for steamboat which we didn't eat in the end =D)
Ok so, that place was where my bro collects his shoes which he sell for $25 when he buys them for like so cheap! And so, since I got the white one *the one that u guys said was weird when I wore it to sch last year* I got a pink one! haha! But at least I don't need to pay! My bro paid! hehe, then if I dun want can let him sell off to his "customers"...
OK! So happy that I can make him spend so much! That day he just bought 3 shirts and a slipper and now... a SHOE!!!! Oh yea!
OK so, then we went to this coffeeshop, but the food there is SUPERB!!! So, my bro, again, using his money, bought loads of food!! ^^ So nice!

OHOH! Confessions of a shopaholic is SUCH A NICE BOOK!!!! hehe, finished reading and and I'm going to get the next one 2moro! XD


Thursday, May 7, 2009 @ 4:29 PM

ARRR!!! My mum cancelled the trip to Jakarta...All becoz of the Swine Flu! So sad...
BUt as I said, as long as I can buy clothes, it's fine with me! hehe, now I can go for the youth outing *Chalet!!* THis might sound ridiculous but... I've NEVER been to a chalet in my life! && now I get to go but the chalet is at changi, I'm thinking is this cranwell sth...Not so sure coz I just heard from Serene...(Yikes! Scary place!) HAHA!!!

Ohoh, exams going on this week! So HAPPY that 4 are over! Ok now, So there are 4 more... Lit, Maths, History, and lastly ( The one dreaded most) HCL...!!! Arr!

Ok then, going to the newly open 7-eleven near my house. Haven't been there be4 but I heard that becoz they wanted to save money, it's not air-conditioned...How stupid, is there any 7-eleven in S'pore that isn't air-conditioned??!!Ok, mayb there is but i haven't heard of it. Even the one near my grandma house (which is more than 40 years old) has an air-conditioned one!!! Mayb they're afraid that ppl living around there might stay inside for a really long time... To do what? To enjoy the air-con! haha lol. Just kidding... ^^


Sunday, May 3, 2009 @ 12:07 PM

Hello!!! Hehehe, How was Labour Day? Ok, mine was 70% boring and 30 % fun... ^^
So, at around 2, I went to Singapore Flyer for this Family Day by my church. And Then I was thinking it would be like Really super duper fun, but...U noe, I barely noe anyone there and no girl from my cell was there! They went to the morning one...So boring!!! But I did see Jeraldine and took a photo with her inside the capsule *Pst, I looked like a ghost in that picture...All because of the blue light...* BUt I did look alright for the rest my bro took...hehe, My camera's better! HAha LOL.!

Anw, we reached there like really early, at 2.30++ although that thing only starts at 4 and we can't go into the "MEGU event hall" before 4...And there was practically nth much there to shop...So many restaurants... And then my mum was really thirsty so we drank sth and I drank a Coke Float with ice cream! hehe, FATTENING!!!
Anw, we were like walking all around but there wasn't much stuff, and we saw.......BABW! haha, then the most unexpected thing happen... My bro was actually interested in the bear! Mayb it's for Bee Ling...>,< Anw, glad she didn't follow... Haha, Cui u do noe why...

Ok so, after waiting for LONG hours, I finally got into the MEGU event hall and got a seat! Ok so, really wasn't in the good mood...
Haha, anw the food was not that bad and after that finally could take the flyer...Took quite a lot of pics and after this really boring ride, I mean it's really late and dark. And there wasn't much to see except lights from construction sites and the marina barage...I think it's spelt that way? Anw, glad it's over!^^ So, actually wanted to go shopping at Marina Square but the carpark was full and it was really late so just go home lor! BUt I'm really lacking in clothes!!!

Ohoh, I've actually booked the flight to Jakarta for this 5 day Shopping Craze, And now my mum's thinking of cancelling it because of the Swine flu!!! GAH!! But I dun care, as long as I can buy more clother, Go shopping in many malls in S'pore or drive up to Malaysia, it's fine with me...^^


Friday, May 1, 2009 @ 10:59 AM

OHMYGOSH!! I'm going to Singapore Flyer today! WOOHOO!!!

haha, Anw, HAPPY SLOGGING day to those who are having their TEst coming up!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 @ 5:00 PM

Today, We had to learn malay dance during music! It was fun...? And we learnt the asli and enang? Is it how they spell it? Ya, quite easy, *bring out the softness in you* hahaha! So, then after music went back to class before we were supposed to be at the ME Lau hall for assembly. Then in the end, lao shi was inside saying that it was His period coz the so called morning prefect campaign had taken up his 2 precious period! So, had to go thru 40 mins of CHinese!!! Arr! Misha's so lucky...

After school I called Xenia for a LONG LONG time to confirm the west mall thing. So, in the end the trip was CANCELLED! But Cui n I went to West Mall for lunch coz 157 passes by that place. And then, we walked around, but couldn't find a presents for Mdm Teng! Anw, I was kind of out of money there... ^^
But I didn't buy anything for mdm Teng but I bought stuff for me! Coz there was this Korean Products shop. And I bought this really cute small drink bottle, and this really super duper cute chocolate! It's not that expensive too! So after it, I had to go home so both of us went home!

Anw, Sat's going to be the day when we can go to Mdm Teng's house!! Really looking forward to it! BUt... I dono where to get a present now! Kiddy Palace? Precious Thots? Kidstyle? Camouflage? Zero to ten? Haiyo!


Sunday, April 19, 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Hi! I just made a xanga webbie! Here it is!
However, I'm really a newbie to it, so, bear with me for awhile! ^^Click HERE!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 @ 5:37 PM

Hi! =D
2day I had the 5 items test... So tiring! and sticky! Ewwie! But anw, I loved everything, except for IPU. I'm really hopeless at it!! Last year I coulg do more than 15? Mayb.. But today? only 7! Just D! Oh my, how lousy... BUt anw, during shuttle run, then the teacher in charge was like, "How come all of u have such long nails! If 2moro I still se ur long nails!" && "Why are ur socks so low??!!" But my socks is really small... When I went to buy them, that aunty told me M is great for me. It's not that I wanted a small one right?? hehe, But anw, quite pleased with my standing broad jump. If I had jumped 3 cm more... then i could get an A! Hai...


Anw, Physics was so fun! haha, Mr Lim taught us the secret formula on how to pass 5 items... if he could just show us how he do the standing braod jump... HILARIOUS!!!
Anw, skipped SMO coz I didn't want to go home that late... Imagine after SMO still need to take the 5 items test...Whao! hehe, in the end those who go for SMO all didn't go. Half the class gone, All those there were only ppl from 1S. But then, after it stil had to go up to class to collect the books that I bought from SMO. So well, ya...
Anw, I think I really stink up the 174 bus...Oppsies!XD


Saturday, April 11, 2009 @ 12:25 PM

HIHI!!! It's really A LONG LONG time since i last posted... Ok, So lots of stuff happened!

Anw, firstly need to thank Ee lynn for helping me to find this totally awesome skin!!!
Well, yesterday was good friday... So went to church in the morning... Then I was kind of bored coz u noe, went for adult service (stuff talked about there is not for youths!) So, at around 10 ++ then left church and went for lunch... At first thot I could get to go swimming at the new safra... In the end, it wasn't open yet! Yikes! So, went to my aunt's hse for swimming and tennis. Well, supposedly la! In then end watch and watch tv... Coz they had demand Tv ma...So COOL!!! But then all we watched were some hokkien movies. And then there was this really funny one. Can't rmb the name... But there was like this really old 52 years old man and xiao tian tian, then they had to play this balloon popping game...and then well... Seriously grosss! (morally WRONG!!!) Just kidding about that... But it's really really super duper WRONG!!! Just imagine a 52 year old man lying on a 20++ fat lady...EWWW!!!
Well, it was fun yesterday, and I seriously felt like a pig (together with my cuz). They prepares so much goodies and food! And they were all in front of us! Temptation is a powerful thing I would say!

For the whole week had DJW, VERY FUN!!! Actually not really la... Found out i'm a left-right(wateva...) But could miss lessons for so many periods!!! That's the best thing ever! Well, looking forward to 2moro! EASTER~!!! Oh yea!


Saturday, March 28, 2009 @ 9:58 AM

REALLY long time since I last posted rite??? hehehe, Very lazy... But anws, here's what's been happening...

1. Tests are over... Reesults are back. And well, NOt too bad I would say... GOT B3 though....hehehe, dun care! Misha's REALLY REALLY good though!

2. Class tee for 6e'08's coming up!!! Well, kinda working on the pic for the back of the tee... Drew this really cute 6e08 pic then continuing with the notice board part!!! How cool! ^^

3. Today's Methodist Walk day at AC... It's only for sec 3s of MG... haha, AC boys are forced to go! Muahahaha! But too bad I had to stay at home for Eng tuition. Well, finally over, and I'm posting!

4. ohoh, Is being a prefect in MG fun? Got voted but still have to go thru this interview to see if u r really capable of being a prefect. Being prefect in JPS is FUN!!! Coz it's like most of my GREAT friends are prefects! Then can talk and the duty's fun as there's my good good friends! But MG, only 5 are voted and not all 5 would be prefect rite? So i dono...

5. Had SBL lecture on Thurs. Then we planned to go to Mac at King Albert's for lunch. I was really paranoid about being caught coz we weren't really allowed to go out of sch during those circumstances... but no one cauht us so i dun care le! so went with... Janice, Natalie, Jeannette, Sanjana, Sarah ( did i miss out any1? if yes,then really SORRY!!!)


Thursday, March 19, 2009 @ 11:07 AM

SUm really cool stuff you can invent for comsumption:

1. Things that are needed:
-Peach Tea
-Gwendolyn Syrup
To add to the grossness: Crushed Super Ring
: Crushed potato Chips
: 2 tic tac
: Green Peas
: A seaweed

2. Things that are needed, can be found in Mac:
-Curry Sauce
-Tomato Ketchup
-A lil' bit of Ice lemon tea
-A lil' bit of Cola
-Sprinkle of sugar
-Nescafe milk*
-Fries to dip**

**Can be replaced with anything you want


Wednesday, March 18, 2009 @ 8:46 PM

ohohohohoh!!! I SOOO LUV today!!! The CRAP was SO fun! well, only the Jurong Lake Park part... The bowling was a tweeny bit of boring... Well, I suck at bowling & that's it . That's why I didn't join bowling CCA, and that's why I couldn't hit down a single pin! HOw sad eh?... Haiz.

Well, anw, woke up like super early to bake the brownies... Ended up the brownies were so cake-like! a lil' bit of ewwie...SORRY GUYS!!! But anw, went to Jurong Lake at 8++ then we meet Cui and Xane at the MRT and then my dad drove us in!!! Credits goes to my dad!!! ^^ Well, anw, talk about the Jurong Lake part. So, there were SOSOSO many ants. And I was like really freaking out at the start. Then l8r when there was really a lot of ants, I just step on them! hahaha, ants murderer O.o!! hehehehe!!! Evil me! Well, anw, Max and Joaquinn came... then we went to play swing? Then BG came... And then after that... I dono who came next le.^^ Really glad to see u guys thou!!!^^

Today is really great! ohoh! Then we played truth and dare. Haiyo... I'm really UNLUCKY k?... Why did I have to choose dare!!! Arrr! BUt who cares, It's just a dare. and it's not at all true! ha! ok then so later we "ban jia" to the shelter and that's where 13~15 ppl gathered from our class! Haiyo... Where are all the others??!! So sad lor... Muz wait until June then can cya guys again... BOohoohoo!
&& I brought my tennis racquet along...thinking we would be playing. BUt in the end? We didn't! Haiyo!

Ok then, cya guys nxt tym! Luv Ya!

Ps. For more details of the both 'FUN' and 'EXCITING' dares, Please click on this link http://eelynn-lol.blogspot.com


Thursday, March 12, 2009 @ 6:12 PM

Oh my gosh!!! Today was like so AWESOME!!! There's quite a few things...

1. I finally learnt how to do a forward ROLL!!! How cool is that??!! ok fine, it's not that cool, but youo noe last year, we had gym rite? And we were supposed to learn. But I couldn't do one??? And this year there was also gym. And finally! ToDAY!!! I learnt how to do it!!! Thx Hui Min!!! Great method you have there!
2. After school, I saw Lee Hui on the MRT!!! What a coincidence! It's like I saw her at Jurong East MRT. Then she was in the same carriage as me!!! How cool was that! Well, then went to Mac at JP with her and her friend from Commonwealth...
3. I saw more ppl from JPS!!! Simin, Luo Yu ... When LH, her friend and I were walking out of JP. Then Si MIn was like "Miranda!" Oh my. What a shock...haha, anw, it's great to be able to see all of you guys!!!
4. ONE more day till the sch hols!!! WoohOO!!! Can't wait!!!

Well, anw, does anyone know where to buy stuff for cooking? I mean like... you noe I'm going to make brownies for the 6e'08 class outing? And I'm going to pack it up really cute! it's like small cups, in a coloured transparent plastic? If anyone noes where to buy pls pls pls tell me k? Otherwise the brownies won't be wrapped up nicely....hehehe ... Ok then, TYTY!!!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009 @ 2:32 PM

I BOUGHT a new tennis racquet!!! it's the O3 Hybrid Pink! Finally!!! My tennis coach helped me buy. BUt anw, paid $220... Aiyo! I paid $70 for it... "sense of ownership of the racquet"??? Well anw, I SOOO luv the racquet... Nice rite??? hehehe

Anw, it's the LAST week of the sch term!!! 2 more days to the sch hols!!! Yeah!!! so, today had cross-coutry at west coast then no needa go to sch. SO we went there from 7 to 10 + then go home le!!! But then in the end still go home at like... 1+pm? Coz after the cross- coutry then wanted to take bus home but found out there wasn't any bus that goes to sum MRT near. So in the end, found Natalie, Melissa and 2 others... hehe sry, I'm not really sure how to spell their names... So then took a cab with them. Then it was like, we waited SOO long time and yet no even one taxi was for hiring. AIYO!!! So, we went to book a cab. But then the . lady said we couldn't coz we were 12 and then becoz got 5 of us so cannot take cab. What LTA... ! So, we saw one kind taxi driver who agreed to take us to JP. Phew!!! Then anw, becoz I was wearing sch PE shirt and shorts. Then I was kicked out of Zone X. So in the end walked aroung JP 1 and 2, bought some stuff then went to say bye to them at Zone X and went home lor! Anw, I really gtg do my Chi and Eng tuition hw... Otherwise I'm gonna be in dead meat... BYE!!!Cya guys 2moro in sch!!! 6e'08 next week!!! Luv ya guys!!! BYE!


Sunday, March 8, 2009 @ 11:34 AM

Just a week more to the sch hols! YEah!!! Finally can get to see 6E'08 again!
Well, These few weeks, I'm really getting broke!!! AR! First, had to buy a present for my bro becoz of his b'dae. And then that day I went to JP myself to look for sth. But ended up buying a bag for myself... LOL!!! haha, but the bag's SUPER cute! "recipe for love cookies" and it's pink and white! Just my fave colours!!!
&& other than that, my mum helped me to buy a present for my bro. Guess what, she sms'ed me saying, I bought sumthing for gor gor le! It's sumthing that's refreshing. And u noe what is it? It's a perfume!!!
Perfume keeps us refreshing? Nvr heard of that in my life...
Well, anw, At least my dad's back from shanghai. Then no need to spend so much money taking cab to sch... SO, he came back with loads of stuff... WooHoo!!!

So well, then today at 7.30 to 9.30, there's a concert "Symphony Espagnole" at UCC... Aiyo! Then still needa buy a dress. BUt anw, it's been like years since I last wore one. Well, It's time I get back to the "wearing dress" mood... Well, bought 2 dresses.. hehe., and I helped my mum save $4 becoz I checked the receipt & found out that they charged us wrongly... HAHA!!! Well, then my mum was quite glad and she said let's go and buy shoes! But in the end couldn't find one that I like. Aiyo!!! LAter dono what shoe to wear.... && I got no matching cardigan!!! I'm lyk so dead!!! Anw, i dun care le... It's night and what we're supposed to focus on after all, it's the orchestra! ^^ "phew, at least it's very late and dark" haha...

Well, ok then. CYA guys soon!!! and have fun during ur last week of sch! BB!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009 @ 6:15 PM

YIPEE!!! The COMMON TESTs are OVER!!! Haiz... but then still have to study... Not as is it's the end of sum PSLE or O-levels rite??? haha...

Well, 小明 or Mr Ho is gone... haha, we sure did drive him away quite badly... So sad for him!!! haha, LOL! How can he call us kiddish! URgH!!!
Really wondering what has happened to Mrs Pandian... So long nvr come on teach us... If we were to get low marks for our Hist, it's not really our fault... HAHA!!!

TWO MORE WEEKS!!! And it's the class reunion!II I'm like SOSOSO anticipating it! hehe, I'll be making brownies!!! Did I say that last time? Mayb yes, But I dun care, coz I LOVE the brownies loads! ANW, Missing all of u 6e'08!!! LUV YA !!!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 8:17 PM

HOW GREAT AM I!!!??? I just found a new meaning to pure torture...

4.40pm to 5.50 pm on 24 Feb 2009 during Tennis CCA...

Serious, I'm not kiddin',
Becoz of the Rain, we had to stay inside the sports complex! And so we couldn't play tennis!
So, it was lyk we were supposed to side step around the tennis racket for a min. Then do 10 push ups. Sit ups is atleast ok la! Push up... It's the worst you can get! >,< then we had to do that 3 times...( sry if I got any info wrong*) Then after that, we had to jump lyk at the sides of the racket. As if we're playing sum kind of hop scoth of sth... Then jump for 1 min! And then did 10, 15, 20 push up consecutively... I"M ON THE VERGE OF DEATH ok??? Then I was lyk slipping to the ground when I was doing the push up? Becoz my knees were soaking... And then after that at least not so bad la! jump here and there, run here and there. And the last part, 2 rounds around track and finally HOME!!! && The Mr Naz ar... STiLL haven bring the "sample"pink, white and black racket for me... UGRH!!! But then it's 210 dollars! HOW???!!!! Shld i buy it wif my own money? My dad lyk as if dun want to pay for such an "EXPENSIVE" racket... But it's a really good racket.. ( I guess)
Aiyo... In a GrEAT dillema!!!

Well, 2moro got Eng Compre and GEog common test...



Friday, February 20, 2009 @ 4:44 PM

HIHI!!! How's sch? One week sure did pass REALLY quickly! && guess what? I've finished ALL of my hw for the weekends!!! Actually, all I had for hw was a page of sci... Glad it's done! Haiz, l8r got Chi tuition!!! I'm dead meat! I haven't done my hw!!! Must write a compo... The worst thing eva! Must write"xiao shuo" *sry if I spell wrongly* hehehe, can I copy the compo's lao shi gave???^^

Anw, I finally bought a new clothing for Tasha!!! and for those who came to my hse that tym when we had to discuss for the BBQ CRAP, Just to let u guys noe, I've not changed the clothes for Tasha since theat day!!! Anw, isn't Tasha SOSOSOSO cute? That "I luv u" shirt, I din buy it from build-a-bear. I bought it from this baby clothes shop! And then the shirt's only $8! Well, anw, Just want to say a BIGGGG thank you to my angel for the stuff u gave! I so luv it! especially the candle...^^ TYTY!

So, really really really looking forward to any outing 6e's going to have!!!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @ 5:41 PM

Last Sat, I went to my grandmother's hse to celeb her b'dae! And then there's lyk SO many food!!! But then I nvr eat so much la!^^ Well, when we were like cutting the cake, I mean my grandmother. Then of coz we had to take photos rite? So it's lyk Rachel(My cuz, not the one from sch, although she's also Rachel Koh) she took the photo with my grandma, Then it's so funny! Coz my grandma thinks that she doesn't look nice in front of the camera, she kept turning her head to the side!!! And then rachel was pushing my grandma's head towards the camera... LOL!!! Anw, that's not all!!! ok, have you ever imagined a small-built old man who's really thin, putting his THIN arms around a much bigger size and kinda fatter old woman??? It would be hillarious!!! So that was what happened, as my grandad was lyk sitting at the sofa and not joining in the fun, my parents and aunties kinda lyk pulled him to sit next to my grandma, and then put his hand around her... So funny!!! then he was lyk smiling and laughing away!!! and of coz, my "shy" grandma turned away. Xiao Yi did take a pix of it... but then I couldn't get to see it.. SAD!!! mayb I can even put it up here! See how funny it is!!!
Ok fine, I'll stop gossiping 'bout my grandparents(hehe, unfilial grandaughter!!!)

Anw, Mon was Cui's b'dae!!!


So, the sch term is passing SOSOSO fast! soon it will be the March hols! and then... we can have class party!!! HOw awesome!!! I'm so looking forward to it! Anw, good lucks to everyone and LUV YA ALL!!!


Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 12:50 PM

So sad!!! T,T Nvr get any thing... no la JK! But then MG ppl got like so many flowers and cards and cookies and muffins... Haiz.. Anw, just wanna say a big THANK YOU to WL for the card. And to the PBs as well! I sure do luv the chocolates! just why izzit that I nvr saw those type of chocs be4? Anw, yesterday went to cold storage wif my dad and bought the fudge brownies pre-mix pack!!! hehe, then i can make for u guys to eat!! Mayb if there's the picnic?
Anw, my bro's is again with all the picnic stuff.. aiyo! Wondering why he isn't sick of picnics... For me ar, if u ask me to go for a picnic and just sit there to look at scenery, I would rather stay home and study ne! hehe, I'm the odd one out in my family! ^^


Monday, February 9, 2009 @ 5:02 PM

Hi! Here are some lyrics of this ok ok game during the MG orientation. ( Cui Fang, finally found the lyrics!!!)

A cannibal king with a fat nose ring,
fell in love with a hula dame.
So every night in the bright moonlight,
over the hills he came.

He hugged and kissed his pretty lil' miss,
over the bamboo tree-ee-ees.
So every night in the bright moonlight,
this is what it sounded to me.

A room censored, a room censored,
a room deelahdeelay.
A room censored, a room censored,
a room deelahdeelay!!!


Sunday, February 1, 2009 @ 11:29 AM

Yesterday was quite a busy day... Well, in the after noon went to church and I was lyk so looking forward to the steamboat!!! Yay! haha. Then I brought this steamboat pot to church. Actually at first I guess it wasn't going to be used. But well, in the end the sec 1 which include me of coz used it! woohoo! at least I've ogt my eyes on it! hahaha.
Well, the steamboat was fun la. every1 anyhow throw the stuff in and those uncooked stuff, we fished them out to eat toO! Haiz, I was thinking that imodium might be needed sooner or later... LOL! Well, then there was this peel orange game and others la. So after that my mum was lyk rushing me to go althou I wanted to stay. sad rite? Well, coz needed to go to my aunty's hse( nvr been there be4) At least got red packets. otherwise... ok nvm. So went there. there was a really doggie situation. U noe I'm kinda scared of dogs. Ok fine, not kinda, it's really scared. So there was 2, n if i'm not wrong they are sheltie and the other one i'm not that sure. But it's the smallest dog in the movie "good boy". So I was lyk, dun want to go in detail coz it's super embarassing... Well, during dinner, I kept on looking under the table. Noe wat's the reason? Coz i was checking whether Joyce and Grace were under the table... hehehe, too scared le. N then when I was sitting on the sofa, din dare to put my legs down. anw, watched IP man. Very nice show about kung fu. watched for 2 hours plus and then went home le lor.
damn tired...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 @ 4:25 PM

Hihi!!! Been awhile since I post...
So, how was CNY? good? Let me just put it this way, we get richer, but our parents get a lil' bit of poorer... haha! Haiz, this year has been BADDD!!! no y? Coz I walked thru so many shops but couldn't find much clothes for CNY. HOw pathetic... Well, dun care la! anw, this CNY has been quite fun. Lost a lil bit of maney on sum ~ game. Haiz... So well, on Tues went to vivo to watch InkHeart!!! Super nice show. well, givin it 9/10. hehehe.. oh ya, i must mention this. When my dad, my mum and I went to buy popcorn, then we used this voucher la! lyk dono cheaper by how much... And then my dad lyk picked up such a fuss about that thing and then ended up calling the manager over. well, glad it's over!
So after that went to my auty's hse and then watched sum more movies. The hulk and journey to the centre of the earth. That is a super duper nice show!!! hehehe, watch until my eyes going to drop up le!!!
So after that went home and ya, woke up this morning lyk sum kind of....
Hoping to be able to see 6e'08 again!!! Miss ya! XD


Sunday, January 18, 2009 @ 12:10 PM

Hi! How's sch? All the different schs... Haiz, really missing all of u! T,T
Well, for me sch is alrite, got quite a lot of fwens made. And I'm loving life in a girl's sch. Anw, I so luv MG's pullover that I bought 1!!! hehe.

Well, yesterday was Sat. And my mum got me this tuition for Eng. So I had to go to Clementi, to the tuition teacher's hse in a super ulu and old place. And then when we went there, actually I was thinking the teacher would be young one. in the end she was lyk quite old. I mean lyk she's in her forties. and then she was...well, not at all young.
ok then so my mum and her started talking for awhile and then my mum left. Actually for the tuition. there were supposed to be 3 pupils. 2 boys and me. sad rite? but then one of them weren't coming. And then the other boy hadn't cum. But, the teacher just locked the door and everything. isn't it weird? Well, and then she lyk told me about all the stuff la. then I guess the story shld go on lyk this. my parents when they were going down. they saw the boy coming up. and then they din care and went down la. but I think they lyk discussed a lil and kind of decided to withdraw me from the tuition. so, when they went back up, they still saw the boy at the door. " Why dun u go in?" my mum asked.
" The door's locked..."
" then knock the door."

Well, from this my mum concluded that mayb the teacher wasn't the approchable type n felt that she was a lil bit of fishy. LOL!!! Well, can't do anything la. she's lyk that.
and so, she told the teacher that she wanted to withdraw me n I was on the way home. YAY!!!

Hehe, ok then so stayed home till 2 plus and then went to church for youth service until6.30pm.
And then Jacinth n I were wearing skirt and then we got to sit on the chair instead of on the floor. ^^ lucky us!
Well, after that went to Queensway thinking that I would be able to buy clothes for chinese new year coz I haven't even bought one. And then I can so promise u I'll nvr go to that place again. It's so. WEIRD. all those type of pai kia. And then the clothes very aunty oso. EWW~! So, after that went to bugis. And there I could finally buy sumthing nice. then bought 2 shirt & i blouse. the shirt so cool. got Macdonalds and 7 Eleven. hehe. Next tym go out wear that shirt ppl think I promoting Mac. LOL! then I'll get special discount. hehehe. Ok so, after shopping. until 10pm u noe. and then went home lor. finally! So tired lor...phew!

And well, now I'm at home. No needa go church coz got youth service yesterday. ALONE!!! Well, got to rush thru hw. Haiz...


Monday, January 12, 2009 @ 5:19 PM

Hello! Super long tym nvr post le! actually not so la, BUt comparing to the tyms I post last tym( be4 sch started...) Anw, these few days rite, I feel that I'm turning into a pig leh! Actually no, last tym oredy think so le... coz, on Sat my dad's company have dinner in lei garden. Then the food was SO... Can't describe. BUt I can oni say it's horrible. and then on Sun went to Grand Shanghai for family dinner. And then eat so much again. At least the food is better. Oh ya ohya! Forgot 1 very important thing at Lei Garden! so, it goes lyk this. When we walked into the restaurant. then the waitress directed us up the stairs. and on the stairs, there was this boy sitting on the stairs wearing an oversized sun-glasses. And he was lyk saying "Ohayo Gozaimaz!(sorry if I spell wrongly, k?) Anw, he was SOSOSO cute! And then rite, the other days not in restaurant. oso eat so much... Haiz. Getting pui pui le! Anw, These few days have been down wif so many sickness. Argh~! Fever, running nose, sore throat... so sick of it! Well, few days ago was MG's orientation camp. and then sleeping on the super hard floor. !!! And then the toilet we were assigned to oni got one toilet for bathing. Then I was the first one who got in to use la! And Then outside got a queue of 29 ppl. SO LONG! and then I was so anxious in the toilet. rush thru everythiing and dashed out. hehehe.

well, sch has started a week ago. And the hw are piling up into the sky!!! Woohoo! no la. Well, lots of hw to do. And 2moro I have to be teacher of 5. WIsh me luck! =D


Monday, January 5, 2009 @ 3:46 PM

Hmm... It's been a long long tym since I posted or used the com. 2pid, my com got virus attack. && it's not my fault ok? I din do anything. Well, how was sec sch? Fun, exciting, tiring, boring??? hehe, Well, we've all got to get used to it. The heavy sch bags... the long sch hours... the new sch...lots more! =D

So, on Sat went to church for this sec 1 thing and then went for a youth service. Not really used to it la. and then well, tot that I din need to go to church on Sun. but in the end went for the adult service. At least it's interesting!

ok so, went to sch on Fri, for this orientation.( not camp) and then there were sum of the sec 3 helping out, and then lyk u noe bringing us around the sch. and then we had to sit at the ME LAU hall but then my OG so faraway from CF's. SAD! then got almost no1 to tok to...
Well, then on Monday, found out that I was in class 1G while CF was in 1E. Who knew that the classrooms were not arranged in order... 1E and then 1T , 1S. not in order one. and then I tot I found my class la, coz on the top of the door it wrote classroom 1G. and then when I put down my bag and went out, there was this paper on the wall, WITHOUT MY NAME and wrong class. Haiz, then went bck into the class and take my bag and rush out. "pai-seh" and then we went to look for our class lor. And then later finally found 1G and went around the sch wif CF. And then rite, the place where we were sitting at the hall was in the gallery leh! so cool... and then I found sum fwens so that not so lonely... hehe. didn't expect there would be chapel. Then sung sum church songs and went thru the stories in the bible.


LOL! Well, very uncomfortable up there... hehe, ok so, after it, went back to class. And there was this SBC briefing followed by lots of icebreakers. Really dun lyk the game lor... Haiz... Well, must get used to it! ^^



Tuesday, December 30, 2008 @ 11:32 AM

Continuation to the story of finding a suitable school bag...

haha, yesterday, My mum went to work at cannon and then she went to harbourfront centre. The place where she said that won't sell sch bags. And wat happened was she went there and found this bag! NOt bad actually it's nice! From DAKINE. and then l8r when she called me to tell me that she bought a bag. I nearly want to faint. Coz u noe, the bag that she said was nice on Sun was lyk. Not that nice?.. And then. ya. So, I told Gwen bout it and she helped me find. TY! Anw, that was a very good guess. coz my mum the exact same one for me! hehe, So when i told her that I noe which bag she has bought for me, she was lyk O.o! haha. Well, the best thing about this bag is that it has a cooler in it! haha, and then it looks decent.

Well, the bad thing is, I can't have a Notebook anymore!!! SAD!!! T.T haha, but, it's alrite la, at least the whole com is mine. no one uses it except for ME! Anyway, here are sum of the reasons why I can't have one.

1. My aunty whose daughter is in MGS said that they do not need to use notebooks!

2. The com is fixed, so no reason y i need another

3. The com is all mine now, no one's snatching it from me

4. Get down and STUDY!


Monday, December 29, 2008 @ 10:21 AM

Christmas is over, and new year is coming! in another 2 more days! well, sch is oso starting, Sec sch life! And and, I'm SOSOSO happy! Coz CF is oso going to MGS! Yay!!! At least there's sum1 i noe... Jumping for joy! Hoping mad. TY CF!

So, yesterday, had no music class, but then went to church as l8... Haiz, so well, went there and then saw many many presents on the table. Well, grad day & prize giving day... And then go up there damn paiseh... first tym to collect cert, and then voucher, and then shirt and prezzie! Haiz... Well, after that went for lunch and then go vivo coz want to buy groceries. So, normally, I'm the one going around to take the stuff blah blah blah. And then after grocery shopping, my mum was trying to find a vita C for me to eat, help the skin, immune system, and everything la! ya, spent 50+++ juz for 90 tabs.. Well, she pay, i eat, I dun care. after that, coz I wanted to buy a sch bag mah. And then I wanted sth so so so nice. So, walked around lyk 10+ shops but then still can'f find one super nice one. No wait, I saw this nice one, but then cloth, and no zipper. so, cannot lor. And then my parents the taste very very diff from mine. They choose the type of bags all so boy-ish. And then lyk so ugly. then l8r my mum lyk oni walk around 3 shops then not happy. aiyo. so easy ngry. but well, continued shopping la, and then I dun care le la. but then in the end, nvr buy anything and then went home lor... Mayb on Tues my dad take leave bring me out buy bags... YUP!

So, these few days, have been watching< 法證先鋒II > and then the show very nice to watch leh! Again, my dad got addicted, truthfully, my whole family is. hehehe. well, on Wed went to watch igor. super boring and meaningless show. Then on Fri, went to watch bedtime stories. Luckily this show is nice to watch. Otherwise... ya, so bedtime stories is quite a comedy show, and interesting storyline. too bad, I haven watch twilight... Haiz, nvm la, nxt tym ask my dad buy lor. hehehe. ^^!


Friday, December 26, 2008 @ 10:46 AM

Yesterday was... CHRISTMAS!!! Merry Christmas everyone! ok fine, christmas is over... Well, there seriously isn't much Christmas spirit in sg. sad, well, yesterday was quite fun! In the morning, went for breakfast wif my family then went to church for Christmas Service. Wasn't used to adult service. So, i was so tired! hehehe. Actually, i was really anticipating to go to my dad's office. Coz there was this warehouse sale nearby selling kappa, converse, everlast stuff! and then after church we went there lor. Who would haf thot that it would be SO crowded??!! I mean lyk that was is those ulu kind of place. Cannot be reached by MRT nor bus but car! Haiz, went there, and the place was SO SO SO crowded! Kind of ngry la! And wat more I was oso wearing a kappa shirt. haha, afraid that i'll see the same one there. LOL! Luckily, there wasn't the one I was wearing. And so, every1 were lyk squuezing, and then so messy too. So, didn't feel lyk buying anything. Finally there was this part where it wasn't that crowded which sold kappa sch shoes! Yay! Just wat I needed... So, bought 2 kappa shoes and then my parents bought sum clothes and my bro bought a shoe! After that , went home and my mum wanted to sleep.

Then t around 6++, we went to my ah mah place to bring my grandparents out for dinner! hehe, restaurant leh! sth bad. my mum, my grandfather, my grandmother and I had to squeeze at the back seat! my grandmother is not that small size oso. my grandad is small sized. and ya, I was SUFFERING!... ok, so, at least there's a good part in this. the trip is very short, After that, we reached chinatown point and then my grandad seemed to be in a shopping mood. then when we saw this shops elling collar tees, he took of his shirt immediately and wanted to try it on! Despite the fact that we were standing outside the stall wif every1 walking past! Haiz, too bad, the shirt was too big for him although it was the smallest size. hehe. and then l8r he walked into this watch shop. but then oso ended up not buying a thing... well, at least we could eat! then, walked to this restaurant"mouth restaurant" wat a weird name!and then the food very ex. but my mum pay so I dun care. and then got those nice nice food! Oishi! hehe, so that was almost all. went back and ya, plopped down.

SO, today, went to my bro's room when my maid was cleaning his room. and them saw sth So gross! It is sth no one would want to see or touch unless u'r much much much older. if u can guess it out then fine. I would rather u dun think about it. It's not worth the thot. ya... and then I was lyk screaming when my maid told me wat it was. and be4 that, I was lyk, hey wat's this, and pressing it here and there. YUCKie!
Ok, so later I got my long dreaded Chi tuition!!! And, I haven finish my hw! Isn't that so cool! lol, JKJK. I gtg and finish it up. so, BB!



Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @ 10:09 AM

Yesterday was the BBQ CRAP. (BBQ Class Reunion Annual Party)
So, at aroung noon, went to meet Gwen and Zi then went to Amanda's hse. First tym going to Amanda's hse, hehe. Her hse So nice lor! Oso very cozy! Ya, then played balloon popping I guess... And payday! All is my first tym playing... SO, after that went down to the BBQ pit. Foundout it's electrical. Very weird... nvr saw electrical ones be4. hehe, I mountain dinosaur. Then after that, went up to her hse again to continue wif the prep! Did the banner using the table cloth, candle, crayons... It really took us SO long tym to finish la! then the candle wax took such a long tym to drip, Haiz... Then finally, Shi Lei tot of using crayons, and then When she tried. it WORKED! SO angry la! in the first place use crayons ok le... Haiz, SO, finished everything. and went down. Then my dad was oso here to help. It was as if my dad became our maid! hehe, helped us to clean everything. LOL. Anyways, there was really not much to do downstair for that 2hrs. And so, my dad drove Gwen, Amanda, Zi Fong and I to Zi's hse to take sum stuff.
And then not long l8r, a lot more ppl came and the food started pilling.... BUT! SUM1 didn't bring ice. So he oni went to buy a pkt. Where got enuf?!?! Then in the end, Cui, Zi and I had to ask Ee Lynn's mum to drive us to the market to buy ice coz my dad left le. And then bought 2 pkt and quickly rusheed back. SO COLD!!!
At around 6+ the BBQ started and we had to even put 20 cents coins into that electric BBQ for it to work~! 2pid. so, Gwen n I went strolling around the canal. hahaha, it was actually treasure (yellow tissue pape wif the letters, B (boy)and G(girl)) hiding. And then the canal was SO big that it our leg so tired le.. Then rushed back to the pit for FOOD!!! hehe, my dad came back. Well, when we were there, sum food oredy cooked So... we juz took it and ate it. No need to work. Thx all who were BBQ-ing!!! Ya, Then after that, at around 8+, we started the treasure hunt game. BUt oni a few wanted to play coz... Anw, So fun to be organizer... hehe, and then half way, Gwen and I went to take sum fruits for the girls. JYJY! haha, and then not long l8r, the girls found all the paper on th left side of the canal. where as the boys... I dono la, but lesser. After that, almopst the while class joined in the game... And then both side of the canal were open for treasure hunting! Despite being such a dark and scary place... Well, we walked a long with them, and helped a lil' not really la... Anw, there were oso clues lyk Danger, Beware... Here r the places we hid them:

  1. Tree near block 323 ( there was a paft.)
  2. Drain cover near blk 323
  3. Grass near the stairs
  4. pipe near the road junction. ( bridge)
  5. holes in the wall with the words "Jurong Connector..."
  6. behind benches
  7. under the sit-ups plank
  8. behind the danger keep out sign
  9. in the bushes across the BBQ pit
  10. Swimming complex wall

BONUS! In the helo with grass. ( it's a lil diff...)

Well, here are the places! Be vigilant, be observant... Well, sum of them are so obvious, in the light but not ini the dark. hehe, ok, so when we went back to the pit, a few of them were playing with candles and the fire sparkles. and fire.scary... Well tissue after tissue. sparkles after sparkles. haha. Didn't want to join. In the end, poured the bucket of water over the fire and made the place really dirty. Then my dad had to wash it off. Haiz...

After that, there was this ice throwing game... ghost story... bloody knuckles, etc. And then a few of us were finishing sum of the food. while the adults were helping to clean up the place... at around 10++ I went home.

Well, wat a day it was. I was lyk so dirty, so tired, hehe, then went to bathe and WHAO! so shuang! haha, and then plopped down on bed.

So, today, got dance at around 7pm to 10pm. another day which I have to stay up late at nite... Haiz... Anw, it's onia few more days to CXhristmas! 2 more days!!! Well, my hse is SO not in the christmas mood. Coz last year my christmas tree broke and then we nvr buy new one. hehe! XD



Monday, December 22, 2008 @ 9:25 AM

Out of 40 pupils...

11 NH,
7 RV,
7 commonwealth,
3 FH,
2 NJC,
1 RGS,
1 Crescents,
1 RI,
1 Hua YI,
1 Shuqun,
1 NYG,
1 MGS ( MI!!! )


@ 8:51 AM

Yesterday was lyk, WAT A DAY~! In the morning did everything as usual, go music class, go church. BUt, in church, there was this Christmas celebration. But, damn boring la. And then after church. My mum wanted to watch that you ya singing in church. And then I had to attend the Hokkien church service which I didn't understand AT ALL! stayed there for lyk so long juz to hear her sing. And then later went off lor. After that went to JP2 the fairprice xtra, to buy all the stuff. and then it was freezing cold in NTUC. And it was SO crowded. SO hard to push that BIG trolley. Ya, so bought the stuff, and went home. HOME SWEET HOME...
So, back home, my mum started her busy schedule. IT's all becoz at nite there would be ppl from church coming to my hse for pot luck. And then my mum was lyk BUSy setting up everything wif my maid while my dad and I were sitting on the sofa lyk couch potatoes, watching bu liang xiao hua on the dvd. Going watch finish le! But then I oso early oredy watch... So I noe everything that's going to happen. hehe. And later, my dad and I went to GIANT to buy 5 tubs of nata de coco. And longans lor.
Then went home. kinda helped my mum a bit. But my dad continued watching "bu liang xiao hua". I think he get addicted to that show oredy ... hehe. Whole day watching that show... yesterday we watched until lyk 11.30pm leh!
So, at around 6+, ppl started coming, and then I had nth to do as well coz my bro and mum all doing all the work. So I continue watching tv lor! ^^
Then later they say have dinner then had to have group prayer. and then later the table got a lot of food. But then oni my maid cook one nice to eat... The rest was lyk.... too cold, or not fresh, or I dun lyk to eat. Haiz... so, the aunties lyk kinda interviewed us. wat sch blah blah blah.
And then when I was in my room, my parents were lyk showing them sum pic of my bro and me. So embarrassing... Then I was lyk juz standing behind them leh. Then I quickly walk away. hehe
So, tym flew very fast. And then they all went home lor... So, packed up all the stuff wif my mum and maid. My bro, so lazy, hide in his room nvr help to pack up. !!!
Ok then, today's the BBQ we've all beeh waiting for!!! WOOHOO!!! This a part of a song my miad always sings :

I'm so excited,
and I just can't hide it.

HAha... that's me!


MGS uniform day and reg day
Friday, December 19, 2008 @ 1:32 PM

So, today, my parents took leave to bring me to MGS for reg. So, woke up quite early and then went to MGS lor, at that place, I was lyk feeling so ulu... ( dono how to spell la) and then, went to check my name and went to the hall. Up there, listened to this BORING speech by the teachers and principals. But then one part made me SO HAPPY! Coz, Sec 1 I'll be able to go to Shanghai, then at Sec 3 can go to many other countries! UK, US, Aust, etc. HOW LUCKY! That's the good thing about independant schs...

Ok, so went to buy my books and sch uni. And ya, i do quite lyk my sch uni. Super rare design... I had nvr seen any sch which has a sch uni where u have to wear the pinafore inside of the shirt and that the sch logo is a pin that u are supposed to pin in the middle. Ok, so, this is my sch uni. well, can't see the pinafore la. It's covered by the shirt. Anw, I so luv my PE t-shirt. At least we dun have to wear a collared tee for PE, so hot la! I lyk my sch uni much more than 2008

PE Attire:

School Uniform:


Thursday, December 18, 2008 @ 8:14 PM

Today was a VERY busy day. So in the morning woke up at around 6am, so early rite? Then i put the alarm on snooze then continued sleeping... hahaha. BUt then had to wake up. So, a few of us were going to sch earlier at around 8am for the discussion. So, took the bus and when I reached the polyclinic bustop, saw Gwen there.... hehehe. Then waited for Zi and went to sch together. So, at the foyer there was the sec schs that we were going to. Well, I wasn't that excited. Coz I oredy knew wat sch I was going to. MGS! SO HAPPY, SO SO SO happy! Ok, so, helped the teachers alil bit. and then proceeded wif our discussion. Then I sms-ed Ee Lynn to tell her wat sch. Didn't noe that she oredy knew... ok, I SO didn't noe that the sch sms-ed the pupils wat sch they were posted to. Wierd, how cum i dun have one leh...???
Ok, so discussed and then a lot of the other girls came. At 9+am went up to the hall. Then listen to Mrs Chua's speech. I didn't really need to listen coz I DUN WANT to transfer sch! ^^ hapi wif the sch I'm going. So, waited to get my report book, PSLE leaving cert, and this SO UGLY keychain from the sch? h8 it! after that, invited Mrs Chua and Mdm Teng to the BBQ and went bck. But, be4 that we planned to go to JP together but in the end it was kinda cancelled. WHO KNEW??!! Nnicky called me whether want to go to Jp, hehe, almost the whole clique! But a few of my GREAT friends nvr cum...SAd... OK, so at 1.30 went to JP to meet them. hehe, another shopping spreeee tym! But then found out I was the earliest and couldn't see any1 there, I went to walk around JP2 first! so, saw this bookshop and found the BOOK! the book i LOVE! hehe, Dave Pelver, VERY NICE lor, Rented it... Ok, after that Nicky came and I went aroung JP2 with her. followed by Lee Hui and then the rest of the girls
Then when we were walking around, we actually saw Mdm Teng, it was Gwen who noticed that la. How sharp! ^^ Ok , so we all lyk shouted and waved, " MDM TENG!!!" hehe, then Mdm Teng saw us and she was lyk so happy and was smiling so widely. Wat a delight! Ok, then we continued walking along...

So, sum parts can be remained silent... And then we bought sausages, went to shops. and got this present. that wooden voodoo doll i toked about that day? ya. ok then, at aroung 5 plus went home lor...


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 @ 1:40 PM

So yesterday, went to JP and the lib again. Y I go lib again after 4 days? bacoz all the 4 books that I borrowed were SO boring! ARGH! So, this tym, borrowed NICE books to read... and this tym, brought along a paper bag for my maid to put the books and the hoodie.
So, at JP, went to a lot of shops as well. But then oni brought $15, so cannot go on shopping spree... sad, well, didn't buy anything except for FOOD!!! And then went to this bookstore. There got sell all the twilight series leh! But too bad, i nvr bring enought money. And the great thing about that store is that u can buy and sell ur books! isn't that so COOL!? haha, so, I'm so angry that iA crispy puffs nvr make durian puff be4 I came to that store. Then make me cannot buy durian puff... SAD!!! T.T So, had to gif up and then I went to KFC to buy pop corn chicken lor... So, at JP2 went to lots of shops. then oso went to Burger King for lunch. Didn't expect to see Mdm Teng just sitting at my North East... hehe, and then wen i was eating wif my maid. There was this small Indian girl peeping at us from behind. haha, SO CUTE lor, then l8r they left. So after I finished I oso left la. then go to other shops. Then went to this shop. The stuff sum is ex sum is quite cheap la. So, they sold this thing which i felt was So nice. it's lyk a wooden voodoo doll with a spring beneath it and a piece of wood as it's base. Wanted to buy... but had to discuss wif the rest first... and then I found the thing I
ve been looking for ages! a MINI POPCORN MAKING PUSH CART! So nice la! the last tym I saw it was in OG. Then my mum was looking for a bag. Then later she rushed off to another shopping centre, So I couldn't check out the price of the mini popcorn making push cart and buy it. Therefore, I found it ehre. i was like lyk hoping mad. But then, ask the saleslady how much it cost., got the fright of my life. $119.90. Hiaz, walked away, depressed. LOLs... So, when I went to minitoon, I saw Aver n Elaine. Wat a coincidence! and then heard from them that they oso saw Mrs Chua. O.o. Wondering if I would oso meet her! So, said bye. and continued walking walking walking. Ok, so, after that went home.

Today, played rs for a short while and finally lvl up to lvl 11. hahaha, how lousy. I play rs is DAMN slow one. hehe, and well, kinda gave up on it LONG ago. ok, later I got my long dreaded Eng tuition at nite...AR!!! how I wish I dun have tuition lor...
Well, 2moro going to SCH! Yay! Finally can see all of u all again! I so miss the clique lor... SO GLAD that 2moro... ^^
Juz now i was looking for the song lyrics for dai wo zhou by rainie yang cheng lin. hehehe finally found it. dono y la, these days I'm starting to lyk Chinese songs more! haha, ok then. BB!


Monday, December 15, 2008 @ 12:47 PM

Today, finally watched finish the whole Campus Shrewd show. the show's nice, But i dun lyk the ending. It's lyk a flashback and END! 2pid. Anw, I found the theme songs of that show, and put them in my blog. the first 3 songs. ya, sung by wilbur pan and cheng lin.
So, yesterday, wen I was at home, I made this candyland. And it's made up of angel clay. Well, h'aven finish yet la, the grass and the water is done, but the castle and candy haven been filled in. I'll put the pic of my work after I've completed. Then, i made ange clay for lyk 2 hours +++ Then my mum went to bioskin for facial. Then later got scolded, noe y? becoz, I came bck home at around 2 + but until 6.30 I still haven bathed. haha, then wen my mum called, I got scolded lor. well, rushed to go, and then went out for dinner.
Well, another 3-4 more days then we're going to noe wat sch we're going to! anw, I noe wat sch i get into le, MGS!!!!! hehe, so, heard from Ee Lynn that we're supposed to reach sch at around 9 am on Thurs? I better confirm wif more ppl...
So, today my dad go Shanghai. And then yesterday, hehehe, I went to sleep wif my parents. squeeze into a queen size bed... then my dad snore so loud ar, I almost canot sleep. ^^
So, going to get more stuff on Thurs! Yay!! anw, gtg study le, finish my hw. Bye


Friday, December 12, 2008 @ 10:56 AM

Yesterday, I was finally able to get out of the hse, So, in the morning watched campus shrewd for quite a long tym. Then in the afternoon went to JP. At first, I didn't noe that JP2 has cum up. Then when I went there and wanted to go to ink shop, I was lyk. " OH my! Cum up oredy?! GO see leh!" so hoping mad. And then went up the escalator. saw So many shops. Then even got the 1A puffs. It's liks SO nice to eat lor. Last tym everytym go taka will sure buy one. So, bought this durian puff One for me and one for my maid! Ok, so, saw many new shops. And then went to all the levels of JP2. It seems as if ALL the shops in SG r in JP! On exception for Build-a-bear. Sad that dun have as well as shin kushiya. There r my fave shops in vivo. Mayb it includes Cordury Candy and Nichii bah... So, I couldn't withstand not laughing lyk xiao in JP, tooo happy!!! Then went walking around almost all the shops. At this moment, there r all the common fast food restaurants in JP. Ya, then all the shops all having sale. 40% blah blah blah. But then the stuff from the start oso ex la... made a lil diff on the prices...Ok, so, even Jp( the old one) oso has new shops! and then those boutiques in JP all lyk no bussiness, then those sales ladies lyk shouting, wat OFFER!!! hahaha. Ok then. Then I went to lib and borrowed books, then my maid was lyk saying y I nvr bring plastic bag for her to put the bks in. hehehe... So she had to carry the 4 books by hand lor!

Ok, I'm currently watching Miss No Good or in other words Campus Shrewd,不良笑花. Very nice lor. Then I lyk thiss song from this show:同一个遗憾 by 潘玮柏. ya,sad, can't seem to find the song on imeem. Otherwise would put on my blog... anyways, this the end, bb!


Thursday, December 11, 2008 @ 11:35 AM

Yesterday, was quite sad that I had tuition at night. Then in the evening my mum called to say that the tuition was off! I was lyk SOSOSO hapi. BUt well, din laz long coz my mum told me that my tuition teacher was going to cum on Thursday, same tym! Haiz, Tot can dun have tuition. Well, watched Campus Shrewb from 7 to 8. So Nice to watch lor. That's y I'm watching it today! Not on tv but on com, coz got all the episodes can quickly watch finish, Hehehe!!! Ok, so afterb watching tv yesterday, went to make angel clay. So, My mum wanted me to make sth for her to put in her office. So, decided to make a mini bakery. But then, well, it was a disaster. In the end made sum flowers. VERY cute, and ya... So, my dad from Korea called to say that he bought lots of stuff for me! Got...: Big tub of angel clay, 3 moulds, 2 angel clay books, pink & white paper flowers for deco, keychain string, LOTS MORE! Mayb coz the Korean wan drop, so can spend more. hehehe, bought so many stuff for me but none for my mum or my bro. They muz be jealous! Ok then, later going to lib and JP, finally can GET OUT of the hse! hehehe, going to haf lunch. so BB!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 @ 9:43 AM

Yesterday was Hari Raya Haji, so, every1 had a day off! On exception of my dad hu had to go to Korea then to Shanghai for business trip again. Well, it's not such a dis advantage. At least wen he goes there, he cums back with angel clay stuff and keychain stuff for MI! ^^
So yesterday, went shopping wif my mum at Novena Sq, velocity, square 2. Then we were on a mission to find sports clothings foro her D&D on 19 Dec. So, I was her so called "outfit designer". Then at first went to Sq 2, thinking that it would be as FUn as laz tym. But then couldn't find sth for me to buy. So, in the end my mum bought a pair of slippers. Then went to this x-ordinary biz. the shop selling all the angel clay books to take a look at the recipe bk for angel clay food making. well, got more ideas!^^ Then saw the lady hu taught me how to make the angel clay photo frame. After that went to velocity and my job started.
So, from shops lyk, fila to nike too celio to new balance and blah blah blah. I was lyk running around looking for clothes for my mum. Then those shop keepers were lyk thinking wat the heck I was doing...hehe, so, my mum was lyk fitting on skirts to pants, shirts to sweaters... finally got a purple sweater and black pants with a black shirt... ok la, I'm So lousy at matching colours...

Well, after that my mum bought it and rewarded me by buying food! went to sq 2 again, then bought this Korean Rice Cake and went to the Royals, cake shop, then tried on so many kinds of cake, so nice to eat... then lyk got eat teo slices of cake le! Then finally bought a walnut mocha cake and two sardine puff. So after that went home, FINALLY!!!


Sunday, December 7, 2008 @ 3:43 PM

Another BORING day at West Coast Park... Well, on Sat morning, my mum woke me up and well, said that they planned to go to West Coast Park. I dun really lyk it la. But then had to go. So, went to West Coast Park at around 8 plus. Then, go there So boring, coz I dun really lyk to do wat my mum calls unwinding... strolling along, looking at the trees... so, I obviously didn't have much fun. So, while walking I saw Mdm Teng! At first i was lyk telling my mum and pointing at Mdm Teng, " Mummy, she look lyk Mdm Teng leh!" "huh? where?" Then l8r Mdm Teng saw us and waved at us too! So, tok for a while and we got going. After that went to Mac for breakfast. Then after that went home. So, as usual, had dance lessons and after that the rest of the day was nth much. my family went to visit my grandparents and ya...

today, Sunday, went for music lesson, then went to church. And then so boring in church... not many ppl to tok to, coz they all go overseas... Sad, still can't go overseas yet... mayb 1 day can go batam. So, after that went for lunch and well, went to JP again... SO HAPI lor! That ink shop is in JP!!! So, I can go there to buy bags! Isn't it SO GREAT!!?? So, later World of Sports was having this mega sale. And I bought 2 shirts while my dad bought a pair of shoes... Well,my mum found out that I bought more shirts and got kinda angry.. I bought the shirt for lyk 10 plus after discount. Then later my dad went to show my mum the price tag. The part which shows the actual price, $39.90. Then my mum was lyk, I told u not to spend money so much. and got ngry lor... haha, wat a joke. but then later she found out it's oni $10 each and she got a lil hapier wen I told her that she could have one... ^^ Phew... So, went to Espirit as well. Then outside the shop, saw Mr Foo and his wife! Yay! Finally got to see hu is his wife... Then I tried not to let them see me. hehehe... Well, then I was lyk. Mummy! Mr Foo leh! haha

So, 2moro's a holidae! So, my mum said that can bring me out for shopping! hehe, My fave! Well, this tym have to take train lor...


Thursday, December 4, 2008 @ 5:26 PM

What a way to spend off 2 of my days... SHOPPING!!!
hehe, as my dad took leave ( again ) to bring me out, yesterday went to Bugis and finally found that shop selling ink bags, so, at first wanted to buy this haversack for $30. But then later wen I asked my father to pay. He actually told the aunty : ' This type of bag want to sell for $30. Too expensive larh! $25. " bargaining... haiz, so in the end walked away from the shop without buying a bag... Well, he tried to bring me to many other bag shops. But then I was lyk not hapi that cannot buy then I didn't lyk any of the bags... So, after that went to the scond lvl and bought 2 shirts... that made me a lil happier lar! After it, we walked to the other shoposo selling ink bags. Then my dad was lyk saying"U really want to buy the bag?", "dono...", "Want then buy lor. Want or not?" Nod my head...Then later he gave me $50 to go n buy that bag. ^^ But at the shop, saw another sling bag... Very nice oso, and it's $18. So I bought that lor. At least my dad was a lil' happier. Then after buying the sling bag, he started blabbering 'bout the haversack. saying it's ot gud... cannot put heavy books. Haiz, anyways, after bugis, went to vivo for awhile. But then vivo to me is lyk SO boring le. All the shops oso either not for me, or I walk so many tyms until bored le... So, left after an hour or so and went to West Coast plaza. It was quite empty, coz a lot of shops got nobody take. But then there was a lot of those type of small shops... then got no business, so all the stuff all quite cheap and on sale. BUt then didn't want to buy any... After that went home le coz had tuition at 7.30pm. Well, waited lyk for SO long tym for her to cum, Teacher Samantha. At first, be4 she came, I always tot that she was a chi, din noe she's a eurasian... Well, quite a nice teacher, on exception that she uses such light pencil lead that it's bare illegible... So, she went home at around 9.30 and it's almost the end of my day.

So, today, We went to watch "bolt" at show lido... Well, my dad at 10am in the morning asked me whether want to go watch movie or not. Then of coz I wanted la, so then he booked the 11.30am show at lido. So, we went to orchard la. But who noes? My dad tot that he booked cathay cineleisure ticket and not shaw tickets. So, ended going to the wrong place! And wat more, it was oredy 11.30am. So my dad went to call his friend to ask where is it. LUCKILY!!! it's oso in orchard. But at thhat point we were sumwhere near somerset MRT, and that lido was near orchard MRT. Haiz, so walked or shld I say RUN all the way there. My leg damn tired lor! run so far, panting!».« So, got the tickets, bought the popcorn and got into the theatre. Well, we're just in tym. Coz the movie started wen we entered. ^^ Well, the movie is quite ok... not that funny. But BOLT and RHino are SOOO cute!!! rhino's the hamster anyways... So, after the show, it started raining SO heavily, so we went to wisma atria and taka. Then later bought this two collar tee and this crispy 1A durian puff! Oishi!!! SO nice to eat as well. Ok now, I'm bck home, posting. well, i think I better go and study, BYE!


Wednesday, December 3, 2008 @ 11:16 AM

SORRY SORRY!!! My blog's under a lil' construction... want to change my blogskin... It shld be ready by 2moro... Anyways, Thanks for visiting my blog!


@ 10:02 AM

Well, it's been a long tym since I last post... Well, I seriously can't write a thing! coz, there's NTH interesting that happened... So, finally, I've sumthing to write 'bout today! ^^ Well, yesterday, My hse was crowded wif 8 of the gals! hehe, morning tym at around 11am, went to JP to meet them. So, went to buy some food and soon went to my hse for discussion! Well, so hapi that u all say my hse nice ^^ Well, I do lyk my hse too! So discussed for a while then Chanel went to call up the rest of the class while I went to play rs. Then, Gwen and I played a prank on every1 else. Still rmb last tym when Jing and Gwen came to my hse, I was playing rs when I said that I saw a ghost here last tym when Jing was looking in my storeroom... She SCREAMED lyk...so, Did the same thing to them. Well, oni a few was shocked and lyk screa,ed. But Chanel was the most diff one. Wat she did wen she heard me say that was, " am I supposed to be the ghost?" LOL, it was really very funny lor, they all a few go in and got scared... after a while, coz sum of them was locking themselves in my room, Cui Fang and I decided to play a prank on them! So, we went to hide behind the door of my maids room, then wen the rest came out of my room, they tot that Cui Fang and I had left! hehe, Amanda, Gwen n my maid soon found us but then they continued wif the act... Anyways, There are lyk over 15 trousers hanging behind the door, so, by pressing the door, we won't feel anything one...

So, after that went to the mama shop near my blk and bought some food and went to JP again. So, went to NTUC to buy sum of the stuff that we needed to buy but then could not buy everything coz sum dun have. So, proceeded to buy sum other stuff from precious thots. At that place, sumthing happened, it can be both considered as sth good or sth bad... but I prefer to consider it as sth gud. Coz, we were choosing sum presents wen gwen passed me a hse which is actually a memo pad and paperclip holder. Then I held it up from the roof. And it sticked for a while and the bottom of the hse dropped off and fell onto the floor! So, the base of the hse craked la. Howeva, it isn't such a bad crack. Oni a split in the base, It all cannot be seen! So, this lady in the shop came towards us and said she needed to check the hse, then saw the crack and well, said I had to pay 50 % of the price. And then she said this " See, we put a note here saying that the roof is not connected to the base" WAt!!!??? How is it even possible that I can see a note wif such words! the words r lyk so light colour and cannot be seen clearly! For a moment I tot that i had to pay half the prica but cannot get the hse! Then later found out that I can get the hse too! VERY worth it la! So, bought it bck and now, it's back in my hse... Actually rite, I must as well go and break all the stuff there then can buy for half the price... ^^
Well, this the pic of the thing I broke... See? cannot see that it's broken rite? ^^

So, we stayed there till seven plus but sum of them left earlier and there was oni the two of us left... So well, called my dad to cum n fetch me. and went home. Back home, I told my mum about EVERYTHING that happened, and about the broken thing, she said it was oso very worth it! ^^ So, anticipating the BBQ CRP. And well, hope that everything will go on smoothly as planned...

Anyways, later going to Bugis again to find that shop. I think by now I shld noe where the shop selling ink bags is. bugis street, on the right, just behind a shop selling $5 watches...

Friday, November 28, 2008 @ 8:23 PM

Today was a great day, coz I was finally un-grounded!!! WEll, i could finally GET OUT of the house and go to JP! thou I have been there for like a THOUSAND tyms, but now got a lot of new shop leh! then I went on a lil' shopping spree... Wel, at first went to Mac for lunch then went to Bluez to buy nail polish and nail stickers!!! Light Blue and hearts stickers... So NICE!!! Well, after that went to Chamelon coz my maid wanted to buy earrings, and I oso bought lots n lots of hairties! then now I got over 20 colours to mix - n - match! hehe, hope can tie to sec sch... Well, after that went to NTUC to buy sum more food n then went to this CD sho, coz got 50% off korean dramas. But, the price was discounted from $39.90 to $19.90. Still ex wat... Haiz, wanted to buy all the episodes of Endless love. Howeva, that would SO cost be a bomb! Oni way, ask my dad to buy for me... ^^ Well, today I oso got my nails repainted! hehe, didn't get it painted at any ordinary mani-pedi shop. I got it painted at Dhonna's nail clinic! JKJK, my maid helped me to paint them. ^^Well, i luv it! Here it is
Can't really see the stickers thou...

Anyways, today I spent oso almost the whole day i'm at home on the com! I think next year got health check-up for the eye my lenses surely muz change to 500 degree le la... use so much com... Haiz, anyways, todya, Zi Fong made me say sth, but didn't make such a diff la, anyways, as we said, it's ALL over^^ The best thing eva... Well, I'm so hapi about this thing. My Dad has taken leave to bring me out nxt week! YAy!!! Then can go watch movies, more shoppin, go bugis... »,«EXCITED!!! anyways, today was going thru blogskins.com and found sum stuff( pix) so added them to my blog, a lil un-noticable thou. So well, during the tym that I used the com, I had a free lesson on astronomy! about eclipses and the planets... well, did learn sum stuff~?? kinda interesting la...

Anyways, 2moro got dance class 'gain in church... HOW!!! I cannot rmb one step at all! normally can one, but then mayb I dun enjoy this bahx... Haiz, anyways, wishing I can buy a sneaker as well, oso for sec sch bah...^^

Thursday, November 27, 2008 @ 8:21 PM

Today, my dad finally came bck from Hong Kong! Yay! hehe, well, everytym he cums bck from on oversea trip, I'll get sth! Well, this tym, he went to the greatest shopping place! so, bought me sum food... and these finger lasers... Well, here they r. Isn''t the food SOOO nice to mouth watering? Fish head, red bean soup, prawn noodles, roasted meat n prawns!!! So nice la! I eat until SO full lor...

Well, i guess u shld noe that I'm just kiidding 'bout the food thing. It's actually fake... ^^ But it's SOO realistic la! especially the roasted meat. Then he oso bought me a sch bag. But, it's black n orange in colour... ??? not that nice though. Then my bro even said it's more suitable for him leh! A boy! Haiz... dono whether shld carry to sch next year... $30 leh. well, my dad SURE do have a VERY unique taste!

Anyways, today was quite a day. I spent almost the whole tym I was awake using the com! So, woke up at 10am in the morning and then used the com, tok to Gwen, Zi bout the BBQ CRP. I'm So excited lor. hehe, so much to plan. Well, used the com until 5pm... then l8r I went to practise my electone. After that my dad came bck and I was So hapi wif the stuff I got. And ya, had dinner n now I'm here, posting in my blog.... Well, I think I better stop using com le. L8r w8 my mum cum bck I die le... Ok, then bb...

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This blog belongs To
Mi, Miranda, iMirosq
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Luv ya!

My Bear, Tasha
Music ♫♪
Tee-s & Dresses!
MY EL 100
My O3 Hybrid Pink

☠ Gummies
☠ Raisins
☠ Yoghurt
☠ Shows wif MEANINGLESS endings
☠ Comparing

A NIKE bottle
A NEW Wrislet
A Phone Cover
Go to Beijing!
A Stagea Mini
MORE Dresses/Shoes
iPod Touch

the past matters
August 2008
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March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
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August 2009
September 2009

thank you very much
Designer: ForThe!Wonder
Talk your way out

Hope to see you again
6eo8 :D
Cui Fang
Ee Lynn
Hong Ying
Jing Qiau
Lee Hui
Bing Geng
jps friends :D
Si Min
Ee Jean
onegeeohnine :D
mg friends :D
church/tuition friends:D
Lim Han
Lim Wen
Lim Yun
Choi Ying
Shop #1
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BeBoldBeautiful (My Bro's)