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Wednesday, May 27, 2009 @ 5:23 PM

Hi! Long time haven't been posting... hehe although I was online practically every single day! Well, have been watching a drama but decided not to watch today!
OK so, this week was quite fun as in we went to lots of places for ROCs.
1st Day:
Old MG Campus (Mt Sophia)
Old Mg Campus (Short Street)
National Museum ( THIS TOTALLY ROCKED!)

2nd Day: Civic District
Parliament House
Supreme Court
Singapore River

3rd Day:
Sentosa Imbiah trail (FOREST)

SO... Here comes what I did there!
On the 1t day, it was like the Most fun day! We could go anywhere we want to I mean roam about anywhere when we were there! At least there wasn't any guided tours like the two other days...
SO, Ms Ng and Ms Chong went there with us. They actually turned out to be the best teachers that guided us throughout the week! At least they gave us freedom and independence...And didn't ask us to SIT down on the bus with our butts stuck to the cushy seat!
So, the National Museum part was just awesome! It's like we could run around the whole museum. Erm, no actually run, obviously we're more civilised... SO, we went to this Christian Lacroix costume design exhibition. Well, it was cool with all those really different kind of tutu and some really extravagant dresses ( They are actually opera costumes, not casual/formal wear!) Ok, snapped quite a lot of pics and ya!
Then we went to this vernor panton funiture (Lights and chairs) exhibition. OK, the chairs and lights were really fantastic! && the nicest part was the Phantasy Lanscape. The chairs were SO COOL! U can go check it out if u want but How I wish I have sth like that! Slide around... climb up to the top... lie around... AWW! haha, and the blue plastic bag shoes...Misha had her toe sticking out of her "shoes" because it tore! HAHA!
2nd day,
We had a guided tour around the raffles area? Where there were all those parliament house, supreme court and s'pore river.. COOL! And so, the supreme court was familiar to me, not that I went there to be persecuted, I went there for an attachment with some of 6E! Sat thru 2 court sessions and got stared at by the judge! HAHA! BUt this time we didn't sit thru a court session, I guess we would be really too noisy... Ohoh! And there was this UFO up there! Too bad we couldn't have our cameras along with us...
Ok so, the parliament house was really fun as we could sit at the spot where our Lee Kuan Yew sits! I got the picture of the seat! Cool eh?? oh, saw some other school people there... AC, and I dono, some other schs which I haven't seen before...
Then we walked along S'pore river and well, took some pics but it was really warm there...
3rd Day (today)
We went to sentosa and it was really warm too. And there was really lots of insects!!! Ar! Carpenter Bee, termites, Spider (Not the small kind), soldier ants( Also not the small kind) and lots of other eekie stuff... Great its over!!!
OH well, after this, I've really learnt how scary insects can be! >,<


Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 8:40 PM

We went to NUS and also Sungei Buloh!!!
Ok, Sungei Buloh is not as fun... All we had to spot was Mudskippers, crabs, insects and birds! So... Ok fine, I'm not a nature person alright??
BUt anw, NUS was SO COOL! I mean there was this RMBD museum in it, and there were like SOOO many dead animals*but they have been preserved with arsenic* and we couldn't touch them, only in the museum. Ok, I did take quite some pix. I'll post them next time. AND I think its kind of scary.
Ok, so after that we had this other thing. Where we got to TOUCH real dead animals! So cool!!! Ok, I touched everything! Great accomplishment eh??? Haha, BRAVE me!

Ok so, the weirdest thing is this...
Misha, Hui Min and I were buying pizza, and we took quite some time to choose which one we wanted... SO, in the end, there was this guy, working there as a cook? short guy, then he was like asking "Do u have enough money, if not enough tell me ok? I help u pay" with those type of... EEKIE voice! EWWIESSS!!!

BUt the good thing is, the food there is both nice and cheap! hehehe!
So... Sungei Buloh was alright... It was raining and well, didn't manage to spot much stuff as we had to carry an umbrella as we walk! HAIYO! Anw, glad that was OVER!


Friday, May 15, 2009 @ 5:44 PM

Today was well, not such a great day...
Ok, noe y? Coz I totally flunk my Geog! Arr! ok, I;m thinking I really suck at it! Ok, I've decided, NOT TO TAKE HUMANITIES!
Oh, come to think of it, I think I'm better at Sci! Triple Science for me? OK wait, i'm scared of blood... HAHA!
So, I'm reading the third book of Confessions of a shopaholic which is "Shopaholic Ties the Knot" It's just AWESOME!!! third book I'm reading after a week! Ok, Janice and Sanjana said I was slow... Well, it's just because I dun sit and read for 4 hours straight. I read for half an hour and do other stuff! So that I would not spoil my eyesight! *Well, I guess its not helping considering my spec degree* BUt I find it fast so...
Anw, Yesterday I was really happy with all my marks UNTIL today... I got my geog and Eng!!! T.T Haiyo! I'm going to die on Sat! Eng tuition! DUn worry, I didn't fail Eng or Lit. I failed Geog!!! Stupid Map reading! I've got short term memory! No, just kidding...
Well, NO idea how to tell them!
Ok so, I'm like so looking forward to next week and the week after! Next week, we're going to Sungei Buloh and NUS for the whole day! Ok, so the next week, then we have ROCS!!! Ok, but have to do this really sucky project work!!! ARHHH!!!>,< BUt, at least we have no lessons!
Ohoh, Ms Ng suddenly becomes good eh? Poetry Tea Party at bamboo courtyard... Ok now I've got to find sth to buy for the class! And a poem that I "like"...

ohoh, having Chi tuition in like half an hour although its actually at 7, she comes 30 mins early ALL THE TIME!!!


Monday, May 11, 2009 @ 9:39 AM

Yesterday was... MOTHERS' DAY!!!
hehe, it was like a normal Sunday at first...
BUt at night, we went to "golden Mount" Is that how to spell it???
OK, and my brother treat us dinner! hehehe!
Actually we went to this really rundown place which my mum and I felt SO disgusted. (for steamboat which we didn't eat in the end =D)
Ok so, that place was where my bro collects his shoes which he sell for $25 when he buys them for like so cheap! And so, since I got the white one *the one that u guys said was weird when I wore it to sch last year* I got a pink one! haha! But at least I don't need to pay! My bro paid! hehe, then if I dun want can let him sell off to his "customers"...
OK! So happy that I can make him spend so much! That day he just bought 3 shirts and a slipper and now... a SHOE!!!! Oh yea!
OK so, then we went to this coffeeshop, but the food there is SUPERB!!! So, my bro, again, using his money, bought loads of food!! ^^ So nice!

OHOH! Confessions of a shopaholic is SUCH A NICE BOOK!!!! hehe, finished reading and and I'm going to get the next one 2moro! XD


Thursday, May 7, 2009 @ 4:29 PM

ARRR!!! My mum cancelled the trip to Jakarta...All becoz of the Swine Flu! So sad...
BUt as I said, as long as I can buy clothes, it's fine with me! hehe, now I can go for the youth outing *Chalet!!* THis might sound ridiculous but... I've NEVER been to a chalet in my life! && now I get to go but the chalet is at changi, I'm thinking is this cranwell sth...Not so sure coz I just heard from Serene...(Yikes! Scary place!) HAHA!!!

Ohoh, exams going on this week! So HAPPY that 4 are over! Ok now, So there are 4 more... Lit, Maths, History, and lastly ( The one dreaded most) HCL...!!! Arr!

Ok then, going to the newly open 7-eleven near my house. Haven't been there be4 but I heard that becoz they wanted to save money, it's not air-conditioned...How stupid, is there any 7-eleven in S'pore that isn't air-conditioned??!!Ok, mayb there is but i haven't heard of it. Even the one near my grandma house (which is more than 40 years old) has an air-conditioned one!!! Mayb they're afraid that ppl living around there might stay inside for a really long time... To do what? To enjoy the air-con! haha lol. Just kidding... ^^


Sunday, May 3, 2009 @ 12:07 PM

Hello!!! Hehehe, How was Labour Day? Ok, mine was 70% boring and 30 % fun... ^^
So, at around 2, I went to Singapore Flyer for this Family Day by my church. And Then I was thinking it would be like Really super duper fun, but...U noe, I barely noe anyone there and no girl from my cell was there! They went to the morning one...So boring!!! But I did see Jeraldine and took a photo with her inside the capsule *Pst, I looked like a ghost in that picture...All because of the blue light...* BUt I did look alright for the rest my bro took...hehe, My camera's better! HAha LOL.!

Anw, we reached there like really early, at 2.30++ although that thing only starts at 4 and we can't go into the "MEGU event hall" before 4...And there was practically nth much there to shop...So many restaurants... And then my mum was really thirsty so we drank sth and I drank a Coke Float with ice cream! hehe, FATTENING!!!
Anw, we were like walking all around but there wasn't much stuff, and we saw.......BABW! haha, then the most unexpected thing happen... My bro was actually interested in the bear! Mayb it's for Bee Ling...>,< Anw, glad she didn't follow... Haha, Cui u do noe why...

Ok so, after waiting for LONG hours, I finally got into the MEGU event hall and got a seat! Ok so, really wasn't in the good mood...
Haha, anw the food was not that bad and after that finally could take the flyer...Took quite a lot of pics and after this really boring ride, I mean it's really late and dark. And there wasn't much to see except lights from construction sites and the marina barage...I think it's spelt that way? Anw, glad it's over!^^ So, actually wanted to go shopping at Marina Square but the carpark was full and it was really late so just go home lor! BUt I'm really lacking in clothes!!!

Ohoh, I've actually booked the flight to Jakarta for this 5 day Shopping Craze, And now my mum's thinking of cancelling it because of the Swine flu!!! GAH!! But I dun care, as long as I can buy more clother, Go shopping in many malls in S'pore or drive up to Malaysia, it's fine with me...^^


Friday, May 1, 2009 @ 10:59 AM

OHMYGOSH!! I'm going to Singapore Flyer today! WOOHOO!!!

haha, Anw, HAPPY SLOGGING day to those who are having their TEst coming up!

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My Bear, Tasha
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A NIKE bottle
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