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Saturday, March 28, 2009 @ 9:58 AM

REALLY long time since I last posted rite??? hehehe, Very lazy... But anws, here's what's been happening...

1. Tests are over... Reesults are back. And well, NOt too bad I would say... GOT B3 though....hehehe, dun care! Misha's REALLY REALLY good though!

2. Class tee for 6e'08's coming up!!! Well, kinda working on the pic for the back of the tee... Drew this really cute 6e08 pic then continuing with the notice board part!!! How cool! ^^

3. Today's Methodist Walk day at AC... It's only for sec 3s of MG... haha, AC boys are forced to go! Muahahaha! But too bad I had to stay at home for Eng tuition. Well, finally over, and I'm posting!

4. ohoh, Is being a prefect in MG fun? Got voted but still have to go thru this interview to see if u r really capable of being a prefect. Being prefect in JPS is FUN!!! Coz it's like most of my GREAT friends are prefects! Then can talk and the duty's fun as there's my good good friends! But MG, only 5 are voted and not all 5 would be prefect rite? So i dono...

5. Had SBL lecture on Thurs. Then we planned to go to Mac at King Albert's for lunch. I was really paranoid about being caught coz we weren't really allowed to go out of sch during those circumstances... but no one cauht us so i dun care le! so went with... Janice, Natalie, Jeannette, Sanjana, Sarah ( did i miss out any1? if yes,then really SORRY!!!)


Thursday, March 19, 2009 @ 11:07 AM

SUm really cool stuff you can invent for comsumption:

1. Things that are needed:
-Peach Tea
-Gwendolyn Syrup
To add to the grossness: Crushed Super Ring
: Crushed potato Chips
: 2 tic tac
: Green Peas
: A seaweed

2. Things that are needed, can be found in Mac:
-Curry Sauce
-Tomato Ketchup
-A lil' bit of Ice lemon tea
-A lil' bit of Cola
-Sprinkle of sugar
-Nescafe milk*
-Fries to dip**

**Can be replaced with anything you want


Wednesday, March 18, 2009 @ 8:46 PM

ohohohohoh!!! I SOOO LUV today!!! The CRAP was SO fun! well, only the Jurong Lake Park part... The bowling was a tweeny bit of boring... Well, I suck at bowling & that's it . That's why I didn't join bowling CCA, and that's why I couldn't hit down a single pin! HOw sad eh?... Haiz.

Well, anw, woke up like super early to bake the brownies... Ended up the brownies were so cake-like! a lil' bit of ewwie...SORRY GUYS!!! But anw, went to Jurong Lake at 8++ then we meet Cui and Xane at the MRT and then my dad drove us in!!! Credits goes to my dad!!! ^^ Well, anw, talk about the Jurong Lake part. So, there were SOSOSO many ants. And I was like really freaking out at the start. Then l8r when there was really a lot of ants, I just step on them! hahaha, ants murderer O.o!! hehehehe!!! Evil me! Well, anw, Max and Joaquinn came... then we went to play swing? Then BG came... And then after that... I dono who came next le.^^ Really glad to see u guys thou!!!^^

Today is really great! ohoh! Then we played truth and dare. Haiyo... I'm really UNLUCKY k?... Why did I have to choose dare!!! Arrr! BUt who cares, It's just a dare. and it's not at all true! ha! ok then so later we "ban jia" to the shelter and that's where 13~15 ppl gathered from our class! Haiyo... Where are all the others??!! So sad lor... Muz wait until June then can cya guys again... BOohoohoo!
&& I brought my tennis racquet along...thinking we would be playing. BUt in the end? We didn't! Haiyo!

Ok then, cya guys nxt tym! Luv Ya!

Ps. For more details of the both 'FUN' and 'EXCITING' dares, Please click on this link http://eelynn-lol.blogspot.com


Thursday, March 12, 2009 @ 6:12 PM

Oh my gosh!!! Today was like so AWESOME!!! There's quite a few things...

1. I finally learnt how to do a forward ROLL!!! How cool is that??!! ok fine, it's not that cool, but youo noe last year, we had gym rite? And we were supposed to learn. But I couldn't do one??? And this year there was also gym. And finally! ToDAY!!! I learnt how to do it!!! Thx Hui Min!!! Great method you have there!
2. After school, I saw Lee Hui on the MRT!!! What a coincidence! It's like I saw her at Jurong East MRT. Then she was in the same carriage as me!!! How cool was that! Well, then went to Mac at JP with her and her friend from Commonwealth...
3. I saw more ppl from JPS!!! Simin, Luo Yu ... When LH, her friend and I were walking out of JP. Then Si MIn was like "Miranda!" Oh my. What a shock...haha, anw, it's great to be able to see all of you guys!!!
4. ONE more day till the sch hols!!! WoohOO!!! Can't wait!!!

Well, anw, does anyone know where to buy stuff for cooking? I mean like... you noe I'm going to make brownies for the 6e'08 class outing? And I'm going to pack it up really cute! it's like small cups, in a coloured transparent plastic? If anyone noes where to buy pls pls pls tell me k? Otherwise the brownies won't be wrapped up nicely....hehehe ... Ok then, TYTY!!!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009 @ 2:32 PM

I BOUGHT a new tennis racquet!!! it's the O3 Hybrid Pink! Finally!!! My tennis coach helped me buy. BUt anw, paid $220... Aiyo! I paid $70 for it... "sense of ownership of the racquet"??? Well anw, I SOOO luv the racquet... Nice rite??? hehehe

Anw, it's the LAST week of the sch term!!! 2 more days to the sch hols!!! Yeah!!! so, today had cross-coutry at west coast then no needa go to sch. SO we went there from 7 to 10 + then go home le!!! But then in the end still go home at like... 1+pm? Coz after the cross- coutry then wanted to take bus home but found out there wasn't any bus that goes to sum MRT near. So in the end, found Natalie, Melissa and 2 others... hehe sry, I'm not really sure how to spell their names... So then took a cab with them. Then it was like, we waited SOO long time and yet no even one taxi was for hiring. AIYO!!! So, we went to book a cab. But then the . lady said we couldn't coz we were 12 and then becoz got 5 of us so cannot take cab. What LTA... ! So, we saw one kind taxi driver who agreed to take us to JP. Phew!!! Then anw, becoz I was wearing sch PE shirt and shorts. Then I was kicked out of Zone X. So in the end walked aroung JP 1 and 2, bought some stuff then went to say bye to them at Zone X and went home lor! Anw, I really gtg do my Chi and Eng tuition hw... Otherwise I'm gonna be in dead meat... BYE!!!Cya guys 2moro in sch!!! 6e'08 next week!!! Luv ya guys!!! BYE!


Sunday, March 8, 2009 @ 11:34 AM

Just a week more to the sch hols! YEah!!! Finally can get to see 6E'08 again!
Well, These few weeks, I'm really getting broke!!! AR! First, had to buy a present for my bro becoz of his b'dae. And then that day I went to JP myself to look for sth. But ended up buying a bag for myself... LOL!!! haha, but the bag's SUPER cute! "recipe for love cookies" and it's pink and white! Just my fave colours!!!
&& other than that, my mum helped me to buy a present for my bro. Guess what, she sms'ed me saying, I bought sumthing for gor gor le! It's sumthing that's refreshing. And u noe what is it? It's a perfume!!!
Perfume keeps us refreshing? Nvr heard of that in my life...
Well, anw, At least my dad's back from shanghai. Then no need to spend so much money taking cab to sch... SO, he came back with loads of stuff... WooHoo!!!

So well, then today at 7.30 to 9.30, there's a concert "Symphony Espagnole" at UCC... Aiyo! Then still needa buy a dress. BUt anw, it's been like years since I last wore one. Well, It's time I get back to the "wearing dress" mood... Well, bought 2 dresses.. hehe., and I helped my mum save $4 becoz I checked the receipt & found out that they charged us wrongly... HAHA!!! Well, then my mum was quite glad and she said let's go and buy shoes! But in the end couldn't find one that I like. Aiyo!!! LAter dono what shoe to wear.... && I got no matching cardigan!!! I'm lyk so dead!!! Anw, i dun care le... It's night and what we're supposed to focus on after all, it's the orchestra! ^^ "phew, at least it's very late and dark" haha...

Well, ok then. CYA guys soon!!! and have fun during ur last week of sch! BB!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009 @ 6:15 PM

YIPEE!!! The COMMON TESTs are OVER!!! Haiz... but then still have to study... Not as is it's the end of sum PSLE or O-levels rite??? haha...

Well, 小明 or Mr Ho is gone... haha, we sure did drive him away quite badly... So sad for him!!! haha, LOL! How can he call us kiddish! URgH!!!
Really wondering what has happened to Mrs Pandian... So long nvr come on teach us... If we were to get low marks for our Hist, it's not really our fault... HAHA!!!

TWO MORE WEEKS!!! And it's the class reunion!II I'm like SOSOSO anticipating it! hehe, I'll be making brownies!!! Did I say that last time? Mayb yes, But I dun care, coz I LOVE the brownies loads! ANW, Missing all of u 6e'08!!! LUV YA !!!


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Mi, Miranda, iMirosq
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Luv ya!

My Bear, Tasha
Music ♫♪
Tee-s & Dresses!
MY EL 100
My O3 Hybrid Pink

☠ Gummies
☠ Raisins
☠ Yoghurt
☠ Shows wif MEANINGLESS endings
☠ Comparing

A NIKE bottle
A NEW Wrislet
A Phone Cover
Go to Beijing!
A Stagea Mini
MORE Dresses/Shoes
iPod Touch

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thank you very much
Designer: ForThe!Wonder
Talk your way out

Hope to see you again
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Ee Lynn
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Jing Qiau
Lee Hui
Bing Geng
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