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Friday, November 28, 2008 @ 8:23 PM

Today was a great day, coz I was finally un-grounded!!! WEll, i could finally GET OUT of the house and go to JP! thou I have been there for like a THOUSAND tyms, but now got a lot of new shop leh! then I went on a lil' shopping spree... Wel, at first went to Mac for lunch then went to Bluez to buy nail polish and nail stickers!!! Light Blue and hearts stickers... So NICE!!! Well, after that went to Chamelon coz my maid wanted to buy earrings, and I oso bought lots n lots of hairties! then now I got over 20 colours to mix - n - match! hehe, hope can tie to sec sch... Well, after that went to NTUC to buy sum more food n then went to this CD sho, coz got 50% off korean dramas. But, the price was discounted from $39.90 to $19.90. Still ex wat... Haiz, wanted to buy all the episodes of Endless love. Howeva, that would SO cost be a bomb! Oni way, ask my dad to buy for me... ^^ Well, today I oso got my nails repainted! hehe, didn't get it painted at any ordinary mani-pedi shop. I got it painted at Dhonna's nail clinic! JKJK, my maid helped me to paint them. ^^Well, i luv it! Here it is
Can't really see the stickers thou...

Anyways, today I spent oso almost the whole day i'm at home on the com! I think next year got health check-up for the eye my lenses surely muz change to 500 degree le la... use so much com... Haiz, anyways, todya, Zi Fong made me say sth, but didn't make such a diff la, anyways, as we said, it's ALL over^^ The best thing eva... Well, I'm so hapi about this thing. My Dad has taken leave to bring me out nxt week! YAy!!! Then can go watch movies, more shoppin, go bugis... »,«EXCITED!!! anyways, today was going thru blogskins.com and found sum stuff( pix) so added them to my blog, a lil un-noticable thou. So well, during the tym that I used the com, I had a free lesson on astronomy! about eclipses and the planets... well, did learn sum stuff~?? kinda interesting la...

Anyways, 2moro got dance class 'gain in church... HOW!!! I cannot rmb one step at all! normally can one, but then mayb I dun enjoy this bahx... Haiz, anyways, wishing I can buy a sneaker as well, oso for sec sch bah...^^

Thursday, November 27, 2008 @ 8:21 PM

Today, my dad finally came bck from Hong Kong! Yay! hehe, well, everytym he cums bck from on oversea trip, I'll get sth! Well, this tym, he went to the greatest shopping place! so, bought me sum food... and these finger lasers... Well, here they r. Isn''t the food SOOO nice to mouth watering? Fish head, red bean soup, prawn noodles, roasted meat n prawns!!! So nice la! I eat until SO full lor...

Well, i guess u shld noe that I'm just kiidding 'bout the food thing. It's actually fake... ^^ But it's SOO realistic la! especially the roasted meat. Then he oso bought me a sch bag. But, it's black n orange in colour... ??? not that nice though. Then my bro even said it's more suitable for him leh! A boy! Haiz... dono whether shld carry to sch next year... $30 leh. well, my dad SURE do have a VERY unique taste!

Anyways, today was quite a day. I spent almost the whole tym I was awake using the com! So, woke up at 10am in the morning and then used the com, tok to Gwen, Zi bout the BBQ CRP. I'm So excited lor. hehe, so much to plan. Well, used the com until 5pm... then l8r I went to practise my electone. After that my dad came bck and I was So hapi wif the stuff I got. And ya, had dinner n now I'm here, posting in my blog.... Well, I think I better stop using com le. L8r w8 my mum cum bck I die le... Ok, then bb...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008 @ 11:27 AM

Well, yesterday went to JP out of boredom. And, bought this nail polish. My maid n i were lyk standing in chamelon for a damning long tym juz becoz we wanted to choose the perfect colours. Quite cheap thou, one bottle $2. So bought this pinkish and purplish one for me ( my fave colours!!!) and my maid bought this dono wat colour la. So well, went home and got my maid to paint my nails for me. FREE manicure services! hehe, lol. So well, this is how it looks lyk...

Hehe, I was playing electone wen my maid went to take this photo...Well, my hands r a lil' scary in here...

Well, at night wen my mum came bck, I got scolding. hehe, she said lyk " so young n yet put this put that, all this is chemicals leh! l8r w8... blah blah blah" she oso got put nail polish on her toe nails wat... Don let the pot call the kettle black. Well, this reminds me of sth my parents always say to each other. Dun let the pig call the cow fat... of coz, they say it in Hokkien. ^^ so funny lor. My mum's the cow coz she's born in the year of the cow. whereas my dad is born in the year of a pig so he's the pig! LOL, I think I dun need to go to the details of the so called idiom... well, gtg have lunch BB!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 @ 10:39 AM

Well, seems lyk it's tym I start studying! Maths textbooks, sci textbooks, geography textbooks, chinese textbooks, ALL of them have been bought. well, and also the assessment books... well, this is the preparation needed for sec life! hehe, heard from my maid that in Phillipines, they would oni start studying when the sch term starts, ! How lucky! Well, hoe I wish I could do the same. Play all day lon, without studying! lol...Well, no more of such thing in SG. Tuitions for eng n Chi, work, So well, I had better start studying! ^^...

Anyways, yesterday, i was playing wif Angel Clay n made these food! Got a slice of cake. and two buns! Hoping it does look a lil' realistic...^^

Well, I think I spent bout 2 hours making these stuff! Indeed quite tym wasting... But well, I LUV the end result!


Well, yesterday, was the last day i can go to the hospice. hehe, quite happy 'bout that. Coz I can be confirmed of one thing. That I won't be needing to wear all white and T.T during these months. So well, this is the scenery outside of the hospice. V.nice rite? Dun seem to be in SG. Love the pic thou.

And the pic above, doesn't it look lyk swiss rolls? furry swiss rolls... Well, first tym I saw sth lyk that ever since I was born! so cool lor. well, it's actually carpet grass. stacks of rolled up carpet grass. Then my bro was lyk touching it and blah blah blah. so well, my mum scolded him for that. Say wat dirty and so on. hehe, it's new,not the one which has been in contact wif all kinds of rain, water, bacteria...

Anyways, safety is always first! better nt anyhow touch stuff. or else... hard to predict rite?

Monday, November 24, 2008 @ 8:34 PM

Today has been the first day in weeks that i never get out of my hse...! well, 'coz I was spending the whole day, playing computer, watching tv, and playing wif Angel Clay!! lol. Tym really flies VERY fast! play computer can play for long hours w/o u noticing lor! and then watch magician's of love ( again) for 3 hours... well, can't blame me, the show is SO addictive. u noe, taiwanese shows... korean shows... SUPER! they r Such good shows... Next week wen my maid get to borrow the "stairway to heaven" DVD, I'm so gonna rush thru the show. 3 days?

eh...2moro continue... BB!

Saturday, November 22, 2008 @ 8:27 PM

Well, how is it even possible??!! I walked thru the supposedly called the shopping palace , Orchard, but didn't even buy a thing! Well, normally ppl would at least buy sth to eat or wat-so-eva. But, I din even buy a single snack or clothes. hmm, y??!! dun I lyk shopping. lol, not in the mood bahx. Today, had dance class in church, well, hip hop... Not really that nice to me thou,hehe ^^. Seeing those youth dancers dance hip hop. Whao! they r reali GUD! I'm nth compared to them. anyways, after the class ,went to Orchard, and that's where I din even buy a thing. Haiz, sad. So after that went to my aunty's hse for a while. And then got sum sec bks from my cuz. Seems lyk it's starting! All the studying... been away for a long long time. ^,^

So well, bck home, played snap wif my maid. And I was lyk laughing lyk siao! it was becoz I said sth lyk this. " today seems lyk Sat but it's actually Fri" Wat a JOKE! today is Sat... I seriously wasn't joking wen I said that, really SERIOUS! then laugh until almoz can't breathe. ROFL! anyways, going to watch tv. And juz now went to get the MGs booklist. so well, bb! going watch lover's in paris. MY mum FAVE! hehe. But well, I prefer that magician's of love.

Friday, November 21, 2008 @ 1:35 PM

Looking bck on the past 6 years that I've spent in JPS, it's quite saddening that we're all leaving now. 'Coz we're going to say bye to all our friend & teachers... Well, I'm seriously not sad 'bout leaving the sch. It's great that I can leave JPS. LOL! I'm such a Bad bad student. Anyways, I'll always miss all my friends. And well, GUD LUCk to every1 for ur coming years in sec sch! Well, 2day, it's the tym we say bye to JPS. coz it's grad. day for Pri 6. And well, Tok to sum of our teachers n well, of coz our last gud byes. SAD!!! T.T Anyways, 2day's graduation was seriously VERY boring. We sat there listening to all those speech by Mrs Yip. About the 2 "f" words. But of coz, they were not bad words. Family and Fwens bahx, not bad rite? Well, every1 had great shock wen Mrs Yip said she was going to teach us two "f" words. U shld noe y. Anyways, after the grad ceremony, my whole class signed up for the alumni, forceed by Mrs Chua and well, I wanted to sign up too.

So, we had to part wif not oni our friends, our teachers, our sch , and our PREFECT TIES!!! How sad! how I wish we can keep it, then Sudha was going around collecting them. Well, I seriously pity the next year Pri 5s going to get our ties. So dirty and old. hehe, anyways, I think the sch would send the ties for dry- cleaning bahx! (O.o) So, after sch, wanted to go sumwhere wif The girls. but, well, in the end my mum din let me go to faraway places such as Bugis, Orchard, Novena... Otherwise I want go out wif them one. So, in the end, gwen, LH and Zf went for swimming together while I went home. Of coz, I went to JP first. To buy my FAVE food! Mr Chips nachos! hehe, so cheap leh! 80 cents a pkt. then i bought 5 packets to last me for the week. Anyways, my maid oso bought 2 pkt, and other biscuits. But sad it's not for me, it's for her fwen. lol, so went to buy milk tea and went home lor.

Well, I think today would be the second last time all of us r going to wear our sch uniform. SO, I'm going to wear it for a longer tym. To rmb how it feels lyk. Coz next year, it would be MGS sch uniform! hehe, anticipating to go to MGS! It seems So kul to be in sec sch00l.

Anyways, hope to still go out wif all the girls, and of coz, Friends foreva!

Thursday, November 20, 2008 @ 8:58 PM

Well, 2day was no shopping day for me! 2day, got our PSLE results bck. And I'm so going to die... No la, dun worry, I'm +. Not thinking of jumping down the building. hehe, so Gwen, u can heave a sigh of relief. LOL! Anyways, went to sch, and waited for Zi and Cui at the busstop first then walk to sch together. So when we reached sch, saw sum of the girls oredy sitting at the class table at the canteen so went there and sat wif them. So, when Mrs Yip was blabbering on all those stuff we needed to take note, I wasn't really listening, coz it's too deep. lol, anyways, let my mum and dad listen ok oredy. So, Daryl was first, 271. well, my mum said that Mrs Yip wasn't that hapi wif our results. Indeed, this year's top marks is a lil bit of on the low side... comparatively... anyways, went to class and got my results. SAD!!! 25+... Tinking u all shld noe le bah... Anyways, my mum is so GREAT!!! a lil bit of dissapointed. But well, nvr scold , HEHE!!! She's gud... at least I still can go to MGS. PHEW!!! otherwise I really got no other sch I want to go leh... So, my mum was saying that if I had gotten higher arks, my head would SO swell! I wouldn't wan it, mayb having such marks is a lesson for me, nvr be too complacent I guess. Anyways, she says that after this is the sec exams... well, one step higher, MORE important. coz it would change whether u would be able to go to JC or poly? (O.o) Anyways, after sch, ( I went bck the earliest) and then went to IMM for lunch at Ajisen. How weird, that restaurant was supposedly gud at making noodles. But, the noodles juz made me want to VOMIT! so eww! at least the side dishes r nice to eat. so, my mum bought a belt, and well, walked around in giant and went home. Coz I had a hair cut app. at 4 at jean Yip. So well, went there and the guy who washed my hair was a gay. One thing I've concluded, most guys at salons r gays... hehe, so now, I'm sitting in front of the monitor, typing all these words wif my shorter hair. But, according to my maid, it seems as if I haven cut at ALL! And my bro and dad didn't even notice I cut my hair. That's how unobservant guys r 'bout hairs. Lol, mayb not for other guys... but for my dad and bro, they r SOO not onservant! feeling a lil' sad bout that... Anyways, my mum bought a slice of cake for me, going to eat it now! whereas, my mum is helping me look for a tuition teacher. haiz... gonna start tuition soon! so well, today, my mum suddenly have a lot more phone calls. and it's all becoz of me. " HI! how did ur daughter fare?" haiz...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 @ 7:24 PM

2day, another shopping day for my dad and mi! Well, again, morning tym didn't do much. Watched tv, played com, but 2day got no more nachos. SAD!!! lol... anyways, took train to novena and somerset MRT station 2day... well, at first went to novena square. coz wanted to buy the T-shirt in a can. Then found it! got so many diff types leh! so bought 2. So cute! and then bought this small tote bag at $10... very nice oso... That place has SO became my mum's fave shopping centre. All becoz of the fact that she bought 2 handbags from that place! Well, went to fork & spoon to have lunch. THen bought this chicken chop sphaghetti. Well, the chicken was nice. But it was so hard to cut lor! Then my dad, the great western meal eater, was having a lil difficulty helping me cut up the chicken. (^.^) Anyways, after novena, took train to The heeren at Orchard there. Then there the place so ex la! juz a normal printed shirt oredy cost $98.00 !!! crazy rite? well bought a skirt, ( again ) then after that, started raining so heavily. So got stuck in centrepoint orchard... Well, that tym leg oredy very tired.. hehe, so juz sat at Macs for MEGA mac... And then my dad at Mac was lyk mountain dinosaur. Not aware of everything... LOL! mayb coz he rarely go Mac bahx! At least my mum stil ok...

After that, went to vivo again coz my dad say want fetch my mum. weird rite? everyday go vivo... at least I still lyk vivo, if I dun ar, I die le la!

So, 2moro is a very special day for us! it's the day we'r going to get our PSLE results! AR! so eager, so excited, so afraid, so worried! scared my results not good? Mayb... Anyways, 2moro will make much of a difference in our lives! Which sch we can go all depends on 2moro. whether will get scolded by parents oso depend on 2moro... etc. LOTS of things would change becoz of 2moro! Hmm... hoping can get my mum's b'dae marks. if get then I can go crazy le! But well, I think lower by 10~15 would still be ok... Anyways, best wishes for ur results 2moro! and cya in sch at around 12 2moro! ^^

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 @ 9:22 PM

WAT a TIRING day! hehe, 2day, my dad took leave to bring me out to play! Well, 3 days of leave, a very long tym! Anyways, in the morning didn't do much, played com, ate nachos again... Well, it's seriously SUPER addictive! at 11.30am, went to expo wif my dad by train. Sad, my dad said that drive there very troublesome, ( dono y la) so take train. Then in the end coz my dad drove to clementi first then take train to expo. But in the end coz no place to sit, then had to stand all the way, leg damn tired le lor~! Anyways, reached there at around 12 plus, and well, the fair was lyk laz tym, same old stalls! but, this tym, it's even WORST!!! lesser appealing food. and then in the end, went home without a thing bought from there. LOL! after that, took the train bck. But this tym, stopped at Bugis. Coz this tym tot that i would be able to find the stall "ink" ... Well, walked a far dist. trying to look for it, but well, still hopeless. couldn't find ink!!! NGRY! anyways, went I went to vivo, went SHOPPIN! ( my fave ) bought a hoodie, grey colour, quite nice la... then walked around for quite sum tym w/o buying anything... coz my dad was either emailing thru his blackberry or walking out of the shop. Haiz, I've SO concluded sth, I can nvr go out shopping with my dad. can't buy much stuff one... LOL!
anyways, at 7, went to fetch my mum and then went home. FINALLY GOT TO SIT! damnn relieved....

Monday, November 17, 2008 @ 8:02 PM

2day was quite a tiring day... in the morning woke up, din do much, ate a pkt of Nachos and then used the com... But at 12, I went to JP to meet Zi Fong, Cui Fang, Ee Lynn and Aver for lunch then go to Ee Lynn hse. At first, we wanted to go to Kopitiam for lunch. But l8r coz Ee Lynn say want treat, so we decided to go to Crystal Jade Xiao Long Bao there for lunch. A normal kopitiam change into a good restaurant, LOL! Anyways, went there then ZF and Aver each bought a bowl of la mian while Cui Fang, Ee Lynn and I shared a bowl. Then oso got buy xiao loong bao. So ex, $0.90 juz 4 one small one. haiz... anyways, I concluded sth, nvr go to restaurant oni wif fwens wen u still look young. coz u'll oni be treated lyk sum small kid. 2day, the guy at the restaurant, he was lyk using those type of old adult to small kids kind of tone to say, " Wat do u want to drink? Uncle help you to take, " so h8 that lor, we're not as if we dono anything lyk that, no need to treat us lyk that wat..??!! Anyways, be4 the meal, Aver collected all the wet tissues n ask us nt to use say save money... First tym i did that in restaurants! And then during the meal, Ee Lynn and Aver were lyk saying, desserts dun eat here, we go kopitiam eat, Drinks oso dun buy, 1 can drink $1.80, outside lyk oni $0.50 ( I think that's wat she said) see 5ppl eat then it's bout $6 here. If go outside drink it's oni $3. Save $3 leh! " Aiya, even I go out wif my parents oso nvr lyk that la... LOLx... anyways, after the meal, we counted how much the total cost, $25.80. But in the end, wen settling the bill, there came the receipt... Total:$35.05 . WAT A DIFF FROM WAT WE FIRST TOT THE COST IS!!! then, that 2 plates of peanuts cost $4!!! so ex la! And plus all the GST and 10% service cost...Haiz...

So after that, went to Anderson's for ice cream. In the end, bought 6 scoops of ice cream. A lot rite? Mint chip, Cookies n Cream, Mango, Chocolate, Macadania Nut, Almond mocha... very nice! After that, finally got my stomach to rest, so went to Ee Lynn's hse and din eat much there. Well, went there played com, stardoll and metarl... blah blah blah! And then went home at around 5 plus. And I was the first to leave, seriously wonder how l8 the rest stayed till. O.o

Anyways, the next few days, guess I won't be going out wif Friends, Coz my dad take leave to go out wif me! hehe, got the schedule planned out le! 2moro can go Sg expo for the food fair, then mayb go vivo shopping. After that go home, shld take up the whole day le bah... then one of the days shld be going to batam. I suggested it, of oz, want go there for shopping as well, heard the clothes there r both cheap n Nice! mayb go watch a movie as well? The new show coming up on 20 Nov seems nice, " Beverly Hills Chihuahua" Anyways, now that my dad is here, my mum won't be able to say anything bout me staying at home to rest and wat CRAP! hehe, anyways, a few more days n we're going to get our PSLE results!!! dono whether shld I be sad? eager? Happy? but anyways, I noe that I can surely enter MGS!!! Woohoo! lolx, gud luck!

Sunday, November 16, 2008 @ 6:14 PM

This is the third day after the end of the sch term, and oredy, I'm getting a lil' bit of bored with wat i'm doing! Haiz... well, 2day went for music class in the morning then went to church... 2day got this iFriends Fiesta. At first tot partner wif my friends. then in the end got to partner wif the Pri 1s... At least my buddy wasn't DAT bad... Quite friendly, and blah blah blah! Played sum games, ( BORING!!! ) got goody bags... and the worst thing, IT WAS SO HOT!!! wat more I was wearing a cardigan, then can't take out! Haiz...

Well, after church, went to dan stevenson coz my bro wanted to buy a suit for his BS. (Bussiness Studies) Then cannot find, then go to vivo. JUZ BECOZ OF THAT! ther oso cannot find. stupid lor, wanted to go ther for shopping. Then in the end got to go to Tiong Bahru Plaza to buy my brother's suit. At first was quite hapi la, coz my bro go to Tiong Bahru Plaza by himself, then my dad, my mum and i stay at vivo go shoppin'. But in the end, my mum was lyk saying, " aiya, holidays papa got take leave. then can bring u anywhere! You can even stay at vivo for 5 hours leh! " I, no chance to "cha zhui" Then my bro ask why I not staying ther. Then my mum say, " Miranda very magnanimous one!" Lyk real la! I SO wanted to stay at vivo lor. saddened... anyways, went to Tiong Bahru Plaza and my bro FINALLY bought his suit shoes shirt. The price of all the stuff, SO EXPENSIVE la! Just for a presentation. wat type of poly is that?!?! We shld be saving up now, and yet they ask all their students to buy suits??!! $100 plus still ok, but we had to pay $ 390 for everything??!! That's crazy! Well, no choice la, want gud grades or want money?

So after that place, my leg was damning tired lor! go "luan" le! Well, on the way bck home, the back of the car was cramped wif all the stuff my bro bought! Then I got to speeze at this corner all the way back home. Haiz...
Anyways, I'm bck home now, spacious and FREE! hehe, May all of u enjoy ur holidays!


Thursday, November 13, 2008 @ 2:21 PM

How fast tym flies... 6 years ago, we were juz new Pri 1 students in the old JPS. And now, we are the old Pri6 pupils in the new JPS which r going to graduate! Well, these 6 years had been a very enjoyable tym, and I would surely rmb all the GREAT times all of us have had together. Nxt week's going to be the graduation and the giving of PSLE results... Well, I really dono wat I would feel on that day? Would I be sad that we are going to be separated n go into diff sec sch, or would I be happy that I'm finally going to be a sec sch student? But 1 thing I noe, is that nxt year, during teachers' day, I'm going to cum bck to sch to visit Mdm Teng and Mrs Chua , to thank them for all their care.

Well, 2day's the laz day of the term 4, the laz day I'm going to take my sch bus, the laz day I'm going to meet sum of my friends on the sch bus, the laz day... Well, I'm sure gonna miz all these!
Well, bck to 2day, our whole 6E went to West Coast Park. Didn't do much climding and playing, coz wasn't feeling that well... So Jing and I was lyk walking around, sitting at the shelter to help take care of the bags. And listening to music... Then l8r Mrs Chua came and ask us to take down an order of wat thte teachers in sch want to buy from Mac! LOLx... So, at first wanted to walk in the mangrove swamp, that wooden bridge... But then Mdm Teng and Mrs Chua dun allow say too dangerous... got a lot of foreign worker... blah blah blah! So in the end couldn't get a chance to go. Saddened...Anyways, after it went to Macs for sum food. Then we took out poker cards to play. But then be4 we could even put one card down, one of the lady serving in Mac came to say" Pls keep ur card, Playing of poker cards is not allowed in macdonalds" How do I noe poker cards are nt allwed...??!! Anyways, kept all the cards and started to drink my ice milo... After that, Jing n I took sum fotos together... and took pix of Mrs Chua and Mdm Teng too! Anyways, for safety reasons, I wouldn't put the pix on my blog.

Well, went bck to sch, and then played sum cards wif Jing and soon, sch ended n well... All of us of coz were quite sad. Laz day of sch. Walked towards the bus bay, Wif Jing, Nic... And got home... Saturday will be the 3- in - 1 fiesta, got busking and prize-giving ceremony... So, still can see all of u. Anyways, best wishes for ur PSLE result and hope that u can get into ur dream sch.
Well, cya!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008 @ 4:24 PM

2day was xie lao shi's retirement ceremony. In the morning went to sch and found all the other gals and started on the prep. Well, went up to the hall, got the banner ready, and well, threw the banner down from the control room to see whether too long or nt. Then, Mrs Lee started calling all the Pri6 and Pri 4 prefects to stand at the two aisles... ( WAT A DISASTER!!!) coz rite, we wanted the 12 prefects dat we chosen from 6E oso inclusive of non-prefects were to stand at the front! got everything done... n well, after the pledge, xie lao shi came into the hall so fast... And HY, we told her to LISTEN to our signal, but then, she kept on saying nt yet, too early! Then in the end, xie lao shi went to close that he couldn't even see anything on the flags. So angry lor! But well, Mr Kamarudin went up to present a speech bout xie lao shi. So funi lor, the part when he was speaking in Chi. But well great job! Nt that bad... Anyways, after it ended, Gwen, Jing, Nicky and I went to the control room there and dropped the banner down from the window... So fun lor! and well got sum ppl's ideas on that n they tot it was GREAT! hehe... When the teachers were walking bck, Mr Tan was praising us for our effort!

So, the day continued on, but we had to move our classroom to the first lvl. and the girls got to sit on these special table. Those type of Pri 1 or 2 classroom kind of table. Played card games and secret code with them... Then, after recess, ( Ithink) Gwen, ZF told me that my poem was outside! on the wall in the butterfly garden, but of coz, Chanel, the great in composition writing, Aver, Zi Fong, many others too! Well, finally got to go home n then watched bout 3 hours of tv.. U noe the show " The magicians of love"? I LOVE it!
Anyways, cya in sch 2moro, well, of coz,


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 @ 6:25 PM

Every1 is as if takin turns to fall sick! Cui FAng, Gwen, Ee Lynn... Then now ME!!! Haiz, anyways, went to sch 2day feeling real sick. Jing, TY for helping me 2day. =D Well, 2day was quite a tiring day. Went to sch ,blah blah blah... BUt then at 8 plus ( I tink) Mdm Teng came to our class n asked for all the prize-winners... Then l8r Mdm Teng sent ZF n I to look for this teacher at either 2K or 6K, but still couldn't find, and so after 30 mins, went down to the I & E walkway to choose the book prize. So hapi got so much money for me to spend and the books r oso much better than laz year. Well, choose 4 books in the end. I hope it's nice?!?! Anyways, after choosing went to help Mdm Teng to wrap up the books wif Zi Fong and ZhongXin... Then I was persuading Zi Fong to wrap up Daryl's book, too bad, Mdm Teng went to take his books n wrap it up! How LUCKY of u Zi Fong...Anyways, spent bout 2 hours helping Mdm Teng. After we finished was the end of recess, then all the Pri 6 pupils were lining up at the parade square, But well, I bought 3 pieces of cuttlefish to eat... The P6 graduation ceremony rehearsel was SO boring!!! sit down ther listen to wat speech... Then the boys in 6D class was lyk SO noisy... FINALLY!!! It all ended and we got to go bck to class! YEAH! Anyways, went bck home, and plopped down on the sofa n fell asleep until 3.30pm. of coz, had my lunch first... Well, hoping dat I can go to sch 2moro. 2moro is a really special day for sum1, n I seriously dun want to miss it! ok then, hoping to see u guys in sch 2moro!


Sunday, November 9, 2008 @ 7:52 PM

Ever since she came, Wat she had done was oni to WRECK my LIFE, SPOIL my Day, make me have another person to HATE... AND stole my double boil ginseng chicken soup 2day! That's SO SO SO bad of her! Anyway, I think u noe who izzit, of coz, she's no one from JPS, she's my bro's gf! Well, she's with my bro now, in his room. So 2day, after church, my bro went home to fetch his gf( THAT BEE! "buzz...") Anyways, while he left, I went to novena spuare with mummy and papa. Of coz for SHOPPIN! But, mainly went ther for my mum to buy a bag... Haiz, couldn't find one suitable for me! Really wanted a bag, maybe a handbag? But too bad, anyways, saw this really CUTE thingy... They sell Tee in a can!!! So cute lor, but didn't buy, muz w8 til sch holidaes...After that went to visit my grandpa, after 3 hours at the hospice, finally got to go home! I was quite ngry that I couldn't buy any clothes... HEHE!!! Bck home, I was SO hapi that my mum made double boil chicken for me n my bro, while they had the normal ginseng chicken soup. But in the end, the BEE had to cum along, and so My mum gave my share to that BEE!!! 2pid! DAMN Ngry! During dinner my dad asked my to pray, but I made those type of Irritated and dun want do look... Then my mum was lyk, " nvm la, she nt in gud mood..." LOLX!!! Yup, managed to get away wif it! Anyways, my bro and THAT BEE!!! came bck with 10 boxes of shoes! One of them was for me! Saw the shoe, GOT THE GREATEST DISAPPOINTMENT! The shoe lyk sch shoe like that, UGLY!!! the front ar, so wide, Nt for me... My family members all say quite nice, and ok... But 4 me? IT's UGLY!

So dis is all the complaints against THAT BEE!!! hehe, dis better not be seen by my BRo!!! He's so gonna kill me! LOLx...


Friday, November 7, 2008 @ 2:28 PM

Yesterday was marks collation day! So no need go to sch, But, the 6 girls were still working very hard to complete a very impressive work! Well, they were, Gwen, Zi Fong, Cui Fang, Jing, Lee Hui and MI! Gotta do sth for teacher mah... So went to JP at around 9.30pm to fetch them and went to Popular. Ok, the first tym, we went there and bought this big piece of hard paper. So after paying, we went to my hse! Then l8r went to JP again to buy more paper, and clay... So, the first tym, we went in, then wanted to buy the paper, but in the end decided to go to Card's and such to check if got any other types, but in the end couldn't find any . So had to go back to Popular for the third tym that day and bought the paper and left for my hse again! So, after all the painting, drawing,cutting... We started playing hotel 626. At first when ther was oni 3 of us, we played hotel 626 and then be4 we could start the foto takin part, my bro came bck and then I juz closed the whole tab... HAiz, then l8r went to youtube to see, GOT SUCH A GREAT SCARE when the lady suddenly appeared and screamed... Then l8r went to the real site and played, But for this tym, We looked away and anyhow take foto, finally the part's OVER!!! LOLx, so at the end of the day, I was lyk sending them home. Then went to stand at my balcony window and wave to them. JUZ HOW CAN THEY SAY I LOOK SO SCARY??!! Ghost??? I'm NT!!! hehehe...

Oh ya, Wen Jing and Gwen were at my hse, we cut sum fruits! So this the picture of our perfect piece of art!

NIce rite????

So well, back to 2day, 2day is the grandparents day celebration in sch! So prefects had to help out in the whole thing, Gwen, Zi Fong, Cui Fang and I were in charge of the goody bag! I lurv doing this type of stuff! So the tym past quite fast with us giving out goody bas\gs, and toking... In the end, wen we wanted to go bck to class, the teacher say cant go coz need to w8 4 teacher in charge then can go... SAD! So, Zi Fong, Gwen, CUi Fang, Jing and I took this foto of our feets and hands!

Isn't it kul??? STARS! the one at the bottom is me... Hehe, nice pix! Well, after sum time, The teacher wanted us to carry the stuff up, n then be4 that I was lyk so wishing can get a goody bag each! In the end, We each got a goody bag! YEAH! Milo, biscuits, bread, drinks, So many stuff rite??!! Well, secretly eat the bread on my sch bus. BAD!!! So bck to class started playing sum memory games, !!! Anyways, bout the busking thingy, I seriously DUN WANT to go perform wat crap la! I got prize'givin so can't go... Ezcuz for Zi Fong and me! (O.o) So hapi, gt 3 prizes!!! Anyways, there would be a class outing nex Thursday to West Coast park leh... Shld I be hapi or sad ar??? I seriously want to go to Chinese Garden for fishing leh...SO LONG tym nvr go le! Haiz, then go to the illegal fishing spot with my bro laz tym. Still rmb the fish there ar, DAMNING STUPID! We throw in the bait for less than 11 secs, then bite on the bait and we could catch it oredy leh!!! EAsy rite? After that experience, I learnt sumthing, bribing can make ppl do BAD STUFF! Well, the fish that we cot, we gave them to the malay security guard auntie! Then she take and make curry fish with the fished leh!!! HEHE.. so we weren't really caught... I WANT GO FISHING/PRAWNING!!! too bad cannot go, anyways, hoping 4 the best on Thursday!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008 @ 2:07 PM

2day was the surprise parti for Mdm Teng! coz 2moro her b'dae mah. Well, went to sch and tried to plan wat we'r going to do 4 the parti with the girls... "STOP PLAYING AND LISTEN!!!" so, we decided on the plan, the one that took place juz now. Wat a great surpise Mdm TEng had! Well, the best part is that Mdm Teng did nt even suspect anything be4 the surprise! It's so GREAT! And was so happy when Mdm Teng opened up the presents, food... card... lots n lots of stuff in the paper bag for her. I seriously wonder who is the one who made this rule that teachers r nt allowed to take anything from their students unless they pay 4 it, Then Mdm Teng was a lil' bit of doubting whether shld she take the presents. But, Mdm Teng is juz the greatest teacher! She took the presents, and well, decided to gif sum to the other and teachers and gif sum to us! Well, the food din passed all the way to the boys. We girls ate it all up! I made the brownies, Love it, love it! Well, had to go to the CT room at 9.25am for this growing years series tok, conducted by Mrs Gopal. and then go 4 recess...

So well, on the sch bus 2day, I brought along a the presents I bought for the Pri 2s, so hapi when they were like, huggin the bear and so hapi look on their face, LOLx! Anyways, after sch went home with LH on the public bus... 2moro needa discuss sth, so Gwen, Jing, Zi n Cui cuming my hse! Yeah! It will be fun! Anyways, do any 1 noe how to go to boon lay market? I oni noe can walk, but HOW???


Tuesday, November 4, 2008 @ 8:10 PM

HI! 2dae went to Chinatown for Heritage Trail... Well, so boring lor. Classmates tok, we listen, we sweat, we complain hot... blah blah blah! Well, my grp was practising quite hard for the presentation which was in a form of a skit. During our turn, I would say it's great... except for the psrt where, sth dropped on LH's shirt be4 the skit... and leaved sth on Jing's supposedly fave paper bag, The build-a -bear workshop bag... so,gotta go throw away the bag lor... Well, dun worry Jing, I'll gif u another one for u to keep! LOLx, Anyways, went bck to sch, damn tired! Leg oso so "suan" le lor... Walk so far, Anyways, there's mayb sth to be happy bout! Mrs Chua wants to have a class outing to West Coast Park for a picnic! It's ok for me, although I dun really like picnics... nvm then, Anticipating???

Well, gotta make sum fudge brownies for sumbody... mayb 2moro can bring to sch!!! I'm so praying that the brownies would be nice to eat and of coz nice looking too! fudge brownies...

2day on the bus had to go thru the same gruelling experience...!!! Haiz, I dun want! You keep it! Damning irritating leh! Anyways, wishing all the best for 2moro's surprise... Hope everything would go as planned, then we can really thank her for all she has done for us! O.o


Monday, November 3, 2008 @ 6:28 PM

It's going to be the END OF THE SCHOOL TERM soon! During this year, the weeks really passed fast! Becoz of the PSLE thingy... Now, it's less than 2 weeks left to the end of school. So, 2day, went to JP coz wanted to buy presents for the 3 Pri 2 on the bus...

Isn't this bear so so cute??? Well, can't really see clearly coz it's wrapped in pastic... Well, can you see the click five cd? Ya, The twins are real fans of CLICK FIVE... Dono y la. Coz everytime when I bring my hp, they sure take n play that Jenny and Happy Birthday out loud. Listen until sianx le la! Well, I'm so bad, coz that tym so ngry until deleted the song... So that they cannot hear anymore...
2day, I was in deep trouble lor... Coz I was on the bus then like smelt sth smelly, so I was like waving my hand in front of my face ( as usual) Then l8r, Dong Qing's head popped up... n then my hand accidentally hit her head... DAMNIT!!! So, I was like " SORRY!!! Sorry, sorry, pain or not? " Then she was like shaking her hand and smiling saying it's alright. But then ther came a change, she bent her head down and then started crying... GOSH! Dono wat to do except for those comforting words... Mayb I'm nt those type of person who says those type. That's y I didn't succeed in calming her down... Lousy me. So, played out the Click Five Jenny to make her calm down... Haiz... the sad thing was she was still crying when I went down the bus.

Well, nth much happened in sch 2day. Zi Fong brought the Game of Life and let us play. The game was so long that we played oni 2 games for the whole day in sch!!! Then ,Gwen and I were rehearsing our presentation as a grp... Quite anxious 4 2moro... Muz present in front of so many ppl... Ther's nth I can do to change it! Well, that's hw boring the day was...


Sunday, November 2, 2008 @ 4:35 PM

Yesterday, was a really tiring day! 4 girls came to my hse, Gwen, Jing, Amanda and Lee Hui. Needed to do the project work ma... So, at 10, I went to Jp to fetch the 3 of them to my hse. After dat... went home, They entered my room and were like, So nice!!! I was really happy, coz my room got so many praises... LOLx, changed clothes for my bear, and started with the project owrk. Watched tv, play, eat, tok, laugh... We did so much of all this type of stuff! until we took almost 12 hours to finish the whole project! There's a lot of funny parts where all of us started laughing. But this part made the greatest impact on Gwen , Jing and me. So, I was playing RS when Gwen and Jing were like doing the project work. Suddenly, i came to this part in RS where I once saw a ghost and got attacked! At that point, I said out loud, " I saw a ghost here." Then, Jing heard it and screamed! LOLx... I was like so surprised and laughing away so loudly, together with Gwen. Then Jing was like sitting on the floor covering her face and laughing too!.. So, she said in the end, "I will play a prank on u!" Weird rite? But l8r she gave Gwen n I such a great shock that I think I will nvr eva forget... When we were sending her to the bus-stop, I told her to oni take either 192, 193, 243 or 181. But dun take 502... she said ok... Then when 502 came, I waved to her saying, " DUN TAKE!!!" she said ok... so, when the 502 bus left, I couldn't see her anywhere!!! We were so shocked and afraid. Then l8r Gwen called her hp, And shouted " Why u go take the bus! We told u nt to take wat, Where r u now?" then Jing appeared from behind the pic stand and shouted over, HERE!!! Whao... Scary rite? My heart was like... !!! O.o... Anyways, went back home and continued with the project until 10pm with Gwen... LOLx, so l8 rite? Yup!!! So that's almost the end of the day!


There was a church outing to the civil service club for bowling for the whole Pri 6 class. Was quite excited becoz can go out with my friends... Here r sum of the pixs my friend took...

That was me bowling, Well, back view... LOLx...

Isn't this so cool? a bowling ball designed like a soccer ball leh!!! Nvr saw it be4 in my whole life...

My name's Miranda, so it's M. Well, was kinda the highest scorer 4 the first round... see the "8" yup! so happy. But well, after that round, I was deproving n deproving... sumthing nvr even hit 1 pin down. Lousy right? Finally managed to strike, got all the 10 pins down with a Ball! YEAH!!! so happy lor...

And now, this is how the bowling shoes look like... Ugly right??? H8 wearing it lor... I really dun understand y this shoes r needed for bowling? It's like so lousy in increasing friction! LOLx...

Well, after bowling went to West mall together for lunch at KFC. That KFC was lyk so packed... Then in the end had to sit on those seats which look like sticks... SO UNCOMFORTABLE lor! Very full. Wat do u think of eating, 2 pieces of chicken, one spicy thai drumlet, sum cheese fries and a cup of moountain dew. A lot right??? So, JIng pls believe that I still eat a lot... TY.

Anyways, on Friday, I made sum cookies using angel clay.

CUTE??? Life -like??? I lurv it lor... One of my best creations using angel clay! I lurv the big one... So sorry, didn't let u all take. It's my " bao bei!" LOLx...

Anyways, juz came back from the hospital after visiting my grandfather... Hope he recovers soon!!!


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Mi, Miranda, iMirosq
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My Bear, Tasha
Music ♫♪
Tee-s & Dresses!
MY EL 100
My O3 Hybrid Pink

☠ Gummies
☠ Raisins
☠ Yoghurt
☠ Shows wif MEANINGLESS endings
☠ Comparing

A NIKE bottle
A NEW Wrislet
A Phone Cover
Go to Beijing!
A Stagea Mini
MORE Dresses/Shoes
iPod Touch

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thank you very much
Designer: ForThe!Wonder
Talk your way out

Hope to see you again
6eo8 :D
Cui Fang
Ee Lynn
Hong Ying
Jing Qiau
Lee Hui
Bing Geng
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