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Monday, September 29, 2008 @ 5:54 PM

Hey all!!! how's life? okok... I mean, how's PSLE prep? Hope it's great! Anyways, 2day was a very special day...Of coz... IT's CHILDREN'S DAY!!! And well, the laz children's day ever for us...
Then, got lots of goodies. Yeah!!! at least this year is much better than the previous... There was SO LITTLE goodies!!! But this year, Whoa!!! I think 6E got the most goodies for Children's day ( Regarding the whole pri6 level) Well, I juz want to say a BIG thank you to all that prepared this presents for us!!! And well, i really felt that the prixe givin' thig was kul... The most....... haha... GREAT JOB!!!
And, have you read EeLynn's blog? She said that Nic And Elaine went berserk rite? Do you want to noe wat is the story? Okok, if ya want, go ask her urself! hehe... It's a secret between the few GALS!!! So, now, about the supp class...
Well, everything went fine, except for these few parts...

So well, that's why I have decided to go to a girl's sch... Where there is none of this parc... Ok then, stop the complainin' and all sorts of stuff...At least this is the laz supp class EVER!!! Ok then, let's study hard and score great marks for PSLE ok? gotta go now... BB!!!


Friday, September 26, 2008 @ 8:14 PM

10...9...8...7...6...MORE DAYS LEFT!!! arhh! Gosh, time past really fast. Laz time it was a month & now, it is another 6 more days...Haiz, so well, it's time for lots of revision le! MATHS!!! my fave sub...SCI!!! ENGLISH!!! CHINESE!!! oh no... Well, I won't say I like them dat well... hehe XD
So, it's indeed time to buck up( like wat is written on ZiFong's specs case) JIAYOUZ!!! You can do it!!! After dat 6+7 days, it would be play time!!! YEAH!!! Shoppin' movies, computer, NO BOOKS!!! mayb except storybooks...hehe.

Ok done with the exam tok...This is the conver sation between EeLynn and me... ps. For EeLynn, Jing Qiau, Nicole, Elaine, Averlynn...sry if I have missed out any of ur names, you might find this pretty familiar... anyways, EeLynn's reaction for this made me laugh like mad...

Miranda: EeLynn, I tell you sth...
Ee Lynn: ya what?
Miranda: oh, nvr mind. I decided not to tell you...
Ee Lynn: Just what is it? Tell me!
Miranda: But later wait you angry
Ee Lynn:Ok I promise I won't be angry.
Miranda: But later wait you find it ridiculous
Ee Lynn:Ok, I promise I won't find it ridiculous.
Miranda: Ok then, I tell you...
( Miranda bends close to EeLynn and whispered into her ear)
Miranda: Have you ever wondered... that ____ likes you? * I've decided not to put the name in...
( EeLynn burst out in laughter)
Ee Lynn: This is so ridiculous!
Miranda:Ay! You promised not to be angry or find this ridiculous!
Ee Lynn: I'm not angry, I'm laughing!

Ok, so dat was the end of the conversation... THE END!!!
haha, I would certainly say that with the name in there, it would be nicer to read...
But well, (PRIVAITE)
however, the rest acted very calmly... Not a manner in which I had expected...
Ok then ... got to go rush with my chi tuition hw... Haiz... I'm always doin' them on the laz minute...

Oh ya! Sry EeLynn if I had typed "too much" for the conversation part!!! hehe...


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @ 1:47 PM

Yea!!! 2dae i finished all my hw in sch! Jumpin' for joy... Well, 2dae did sth that sum1 really detest... hye!!! I did conducting at the side of the stage... Well, the junior prefects doing the conducting did a really good job! Still remember laz time... When I first went up stage to conduct... FAILURE!!! Did the conducting really bad... Haiz...Hmmm... 2dae was a usual day... Spent lots of time finishing up my Jodi Picoult story book... Finally, i finished reading... oh ya! another thing... There was this boy, one whom I call : pompous... but a little weird... He was so deaf that he could not even hear me call him despite me having shouted his name for so many times!!! finally, i used my water bottle to hit him... DONE! and you noe how "ling se"!!! 20 cents for a piece of foolscap... (hope that is how to spell) crazy rite? Haiz... but finally, got it for free... Thx EeLynn!!! Anyway, the boy is the one sittin' next to Nicky... you noe rite? Daryl...
So well, EeLynn oso wrote sth bout this... Hers shld be more detailed... Go see hers,
Well... got to go now... BYE!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008 @ 12:24 PM

HIHI!!! Long time nvr post lerhs... Buze studying ma!!!
Well, now in com lab, (Art lesson... Teacher very kind! we haven finish doing sci paper then let us go com lab...PLAY!!! relieve stress ba! Thx so much! )
Anyways, juz want to congrat Chanel...
For? Havin' her poem in the LRD... Isn't dat SOOO Gud? Her composition writing is very GOOD! And so is her poem!!! Mayb next time will be able to see her books everywhere! Become the most famous author ever! Haha....
so well, it's another 10 more days to PSLE!!! Muz study hard... but well, for now, I'm still as relax as ever! Believe it or not??? haha... Ever heard others saying dat they dun feel anxious at all during PSLE? Wierd rite?
PSLE is supposedly the most inportant exam during ur Primary sch life! But dat's the truth ...XD

2dae, we are realli ngri with sumbody...Well, tryin' to figure out the truth...
ps. if you have been reading my other posts... The girl? hmmm.... juz wonder if all this would be done with... SOON!!!
I've really nvr seen sum1 like this! ok... gonna do other stuff....
next time den post again... Bb


Thursday, September 18, 2008 @ 6:05 PM

Hi! 2day was quite a day! Very tired... So, went to sch by sch bus and got dis whole tube of mentos from one of them... When I reached sch, I gave them out to the girls... But I gave one to EeLynn..Well, I can say she got quite a shock after she ate it. Coz Of the person who gave...HAHA...So, went to the hall, And found out almost every1 all going for the Silver one( Swimming) so mao dun! Hear from others that needa swim more than 10 laps! ARGH!!! that's like damn far! Surely will be EXHAUSTED after the swim la! Whereas for the bronze one, They say its like very easy... Haiz... Hmm... after PSLE got intensive training for swimming, so dat can swim well for the lessons... Do you noe that Jurong East Swimming complex is like so!!! It's very old, and the......... Haiz... WU HUA KE SHUO!!! ( pls translate to Chi)
BUt well, ya... Nth I can do can make it a better place!

During Eng class...... SAD!
Well, I was being pointed out by Mrs Chua... ps. not in the good way
But still, I answered e question... Haiz... Why is it that she is always picking on us nowadays! gentle...Soon, it was end of sch...
How I was wishing dat I can go home str8 away!!! but still got supp class... At first, I was so glad dat the people from other class came to occupy the newton lab... Every1 were like shouting "COM LAB!!! COM LAB!!!" while I was jumping for joy( well not literally) I guess you shld noe...BUt well, sth bad happened... Our form teacher- MDM TENG drove them out AND AWAY!!! haiz.. stil got to sit in the newton lab for lesson for bout1 1/2 h... Then dis clas came and we moved upstairs...Well, I would like to reiterate, ZiFong shld have sat at where Jing Qiau was sitting! wat a gud chance! And she decided to gif it up... Haiz...
And I was being called to the HOD office by Mdm Teng! Did sth "bad"... Well, actually, I asked Mdn Teng to help me solve this maths ques, so she taught me how to do! Haiz... So dumb of me not to think of that solution...!!! But well, I would like to say thx to all dat have waited for me!!! SORRY to keep you waiting...
So that's the end of the day! Now back home, in my nice comfy house! haha... Muz go learn spelling lerhs! bb!!!


A star... A...B...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 @ 6:21 PM

2dae was giving out of report book day!!! anyway, it's nth to be excited bout. For we oredy noe all of our marks! Al laz! I got an A for art! Of coz, every1 got an A...Hehe... However, I got a B for music... SAd... Then when I went home, I was being questioned by my mum" Why your music get B? huh?" haha...So well, My marks is the number of days in a year! (FYI)

On the bus, my Pri2 friends were asking me to buy this candy"push pops" ??? i guess it is like that spell bah! XOXO... So, went to buy for them from the mama shop...

oh ya! another thing... 2dae was oso the day we prefects RETIRED!!! Old me!!! JKJK... So, had a really fun time teaching them... Now, here's the story...

In the morning when Cui Fang Averlynn and I were in the foyer doing latecomer's duty, this junior prefect came to us with this stack of late comer slips! So, we decided to teach him on what to do! Well, the next person who ome was Xavier and WeePeng! Juz the rite people! " Hey, stop stop! Your late!!!" We all shouted at them, well, of coz laughing really uncontrollably... They really took it as we were being serious and stopped! So, decided that we continue with the act! So the junior prefect took down their names ( VERY SLOWLY) So well, while he was writing, Cui Fang said to the boys, "Back on the wall, squat down and pull your ears." (As punishment) HILARIOUS!!! You should ve been there! Then, two other girls came but they weren't from our class... Then I was saying like " 2moro come before 7.15am" And then let them go up to the hall... Now, Xavier and WeePeng should noe that they have been cheated to write down their names...(How pissed off were they!) ps. sorry for makin' fun of you! but well...after that, we went back to the hall... Actually, I hav found great pleasure guiding them... Compared to us when we were Junior prefects in pri4, I can say they are much enthu... Willing to do wateva they are asked to... I can say they are quite obliging...
Well, then got to continue to study ler! L8r then go have dinner... Ok then, bb!


Study...study...18 days... PLAY!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008 @ 8:06 PM

HeyAll! Long time nvr post liao...Well... Not realli long time!!!

Well, 2dae had quite a normal day... (NO TEASING) Yeah!!!

So sad... Had to write this compo... I was really out of ideas! But well, still managed to write one hopeless one... But well, didn't write in the time limit! XOXO

So I finished writing at bout 3pm.... Haha... NO chance for EeLynn to do anything!!! Muhahaha...

For she had to do her work! But well, 2dae have one less hw than all of the 6C1 pupils... Coz I did the 2007 paper when you were doing the 2006 one! How lucky! Oh ya! 2moro got lots of spelling too! It think that Chinese spelling realli too much oredy! Gotta go learn quick! Haiz... won't get full mark! ( But well... I can dream on getting full marks!) hehe...

So how's revision? Lots of papers rite? Like wat Mdm Teng said, do each paper carefully, put your heart into doing it! Oni then would you find results! =D

Gud luck! It's less than a month be4 the Psle starts, and it's PLAY TIME!!!


Anyways, I heard that Prefects are going to step down!!! it's the pri 4 junior prefects now!

Recallin' the past, when we were pri4 junior prefects,

the SENIOR prefects were writing notes to us thru the late comer's file!

We were very ngri with them! SOOO PROUD!!!

So... wondering whether should I do that to them....

No, can't be BAD.... Muz be kind (like I care)

But well, I hope dat we won't need to sit 2geder with the class...

Seriously, I dun like sitting there.

That's wat I hate!!! So, I gotta go study leh! BB!!! Coming back 2moro!!!

Anyways, hope you enjoy the songs by bang bang tang and hei se hui mei mei!!! XD they acted in the show"Brown Sugar Macchiato" Very nice show indeed!


It's OVER!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008 @ 1:44 PM

HI! It was Chi & Eng LC 2dae...
Well, Chi was easy... but Eng!!! *cries*
Damn tricky!!! But well, there's nth I can do now to change it...
Anyways...I came to sch veri late...
Every1 was in sch la! haha... so anxious lor.!
but well, finally able to find them...
Then in the hall, we had to sit on the floor!
And you noe who was sitting beside ZiFong?
Every1 who likes her!
She was kinda pissed off when I started babbling bout them...
But well...I DUN CARE! haha...XDXD...
So, everything went on quite normal until after sch...
The whole group of girls were like walking out of sch to the bus-stop
Then, we saw Daryl...he's deaf!
We were like " Zi Fong!!! Come come..."
Ya so, when we reach the stop, we shouted" HI HI!" to daryl of coz...
But he was so deaf dat he pretended not to hear! how bad to the one he likes!
And again, I was so pleased with all the teasing 2dae...!!! lovin' life at this moment...
Sth to rejoice bout... The oni exams left are the written exams...!!! Yeah!
Another 21 days more!!! JYJY!!!


2moro...PSLE Listening!
Thursday, September 11, 2008 @ 4:06 PM

Hi! Time paz real fast!
I remember during January, I was telling my mum" Another 8-10 more months to PSLE!"
Now, it's " Less than a month to PSLE"
In fact, we will be havin' our listening 2moro rite?
well, 7.30 reach sch,12 leave sch...

HAHA!!! Better buck up orh!
Ok then, well 2dae EeLynn and I made ZF super ngri!
Well,we said sth to this person, and ZF overheard it!
ps. wat we said wasn't supposed to be heard by ZF...
so, she was very angry during recess!
But, you noe, Zi Fong= Kind and Forgiving girl XD
So, she was so calm, no hitting!
haha... Well, c? 2dae i derived joy from teasing AGAIN!
Sry Zi Fong!!! Forgif me?
Ok then, 2dae we had chi and Eng listening compre rite? I mean practice...
So boring lor! Damn restless...
This, Mrs Chua could oso see.... In fact she was oso commenting...
Now, we muxn't say anything like bout lower level then dun want to do....xx
Coz, Mrs Chua was like shouting in class! scolding....
haiz... Most gentle teacher??? hehe...
Ok well... we changed our sitting arrangement rite?
I'm so relieved we're not sitting according to register number when we pushed back the table...
Coz I was sitting in btn 2 boys... Haiz... And you shld noe who they are...
So, Amanda and LeeHui came to my rescue!!! haha
So they changed place with me, while I went to sit with EeLynn!YEAH!!!
So I sat beside EeLynn, and EeLynn sat beside Xavier...
In fact, eeLynn was quite enjoying it...!!!
NOt realli such a bad table arrangement at all!
but, how I wish can sit like normal...
So well, 2dae got lots of hw!!! ARGH!!!
Got to go and do more... WORK HARD!!!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008 @ 4:59 PM

HI!!! I'm back from sch... Again...
Haha! anyways, I realli enjoyed my time after sch!
Almost all the girls, went to play can soccer...( Not realli all la...)
But veri fun la! Sum boys oso joined in.... We were like stepping...kicking... pushing...
But... It's all so funny!
Played for bout 30 mins... Then I was like so HOT!!!''' Face was damn red...
Well, went to the 2nd level classroom for supp class...
Then the tables were arranged in such a wierd manner...
but... I sat in the front table... Me in between Jing and EeLynn...
Well... I managed to do finish the maths paper during supp class...
Although Mdm Teng was like fuming mad!! Haha... Me the bad gurl!!!
Ok then... here comes it, how I wish ZiFong could sit at where Jing am sitting...
Coz the Daryl was sitting rite opp Jing! haha...
direct view without any obstructions lerh! gud for them!
Haha... But well, had a fun time!
now I understand sth....The joy of teasing! And the sadness of being teased...
See? everyting has it's pros and cons....!!! XOXO
So well, Friday will be a OFF-DAY for the pri 2 and 4...
But not for us! Wishing all of you gud luck for eur listening!
make sure you open ur ears BIG!!!
Listen to everyting clearly orh?!
Ok then...Anyways, EeLynn changed her blogskin!
Veri nice leh! Go see!!! I'm rating it 10/10!
haha...Now got to go study!!!

How I wish it is 10 october now....
No study!!!!!!!!!
I'm veri excited!!! But well, finish PSLE then say ba!
Study hard,play hard!


ART!!! ARGH!!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008 @ 2:06 PM

Well, 2dae had a......Kinda normal day in sch...
I guess...
Haha, but you want to noe wat happened?
  1. I scored extremely bad for the NSW Maths exam....SAD!!! isn't 27/40 damning low???
  2. And for the Maths revision paper 2, i got like less than 90 marks! >.<
  3. During art class, I omoz DIE!!! haha...I mean like I dono wat to draw la! Haiz...My art realli bad...N i reali wonder when would Mdm Aidah collect our work! There's like 5 of the art pieces I haven't pass up!See? It's like "bai fei xin si"!haha...

So now you noe how BAD my day is rite? Ok...L8r got to do LOADS of WORK!!! haha...Anyways, wish that the hand check would be over! so xianz lor...wait at dat damn slow row...But fyi, the laz row is the fastest! i oways wait dere...VERY FAST ONE!!! trust ME... ok then, at least I'm back from sch...

YAya... so sad 2dae can't go com lab during art lesson... But 2moro can go ...HEHE!!! Coz got SS...


"Bers" months? Is it TRUE???
Monday, September 8, 2008 @ 4:25 PM

Well, I'm back from sch after Eng supp...
Noe dat this are the months of the bers?
Well, it has been raining for ages! Wonder when will dere be a dae with no rain...
But, sum people say dat rain makes one gloomy...
I reali tink so...
Yesterday, I was ngri for almost the WHOLE DAY!!! ( After eating at pizza hut )
Haiz... And well, It isn't gud to still be ngri with sumone even after the sun sets...
So, I decided to put my nger away & SLEEP! haha...
Anyways, 2day got lots of hw... But I finished all except for the chi revision...
HAHA!!! gonna do now... SO.... BYE!!!


Mooncake celeb...Lunch
Sunday, September 7, 2008 @ 2:26 PM

Yesterday I had lunch at dis restaurant...
It's called Guilin...
Went with my bro's gf...SAD!!!
But well, at least the food is pretty nice! And I had a book to read for nobody tok to me...
But... The waiters there are kinda old, and a little...blur...
ps. sry if i have insulted any1.
ya, so back to the point,
my bro told this waiterress when she was asking us wat drink we wanted'
"one tea, two ice water and one lukewarm water"
Then u noe wat she replied? "HUH?"
Dat's like so!!!! It's so easy to understand rite?
So when she left, we were all smiling at each other. =D
You muz be thinking dat I'm like such a critic...
Judging people wheneva I go to a restaurant...
But, aiya...who noes, next time I may be a food critic! JKJK...
Then l8r I went to vivo, wanted to see if I could meet EELYNN...
But well, Couldn't see her...HEHE
But my main purpose there was to buy shorts...
Went with Natasha, My cousin and My aunt
And I went to this shop called nichii, The clothes were sooo cheap!
And Then went to dicra? ya, and the clothes there were like less then $10!!!
and nice oso lar! Bought sth!!! AND AND,,, the cloth bag is SO nice!
Mayb gonna bring it to sch...
Haha...so then I went to my grandparent's house...
nth much to say there...
so now, about today
2dae, after church I went to jp,
ate at PIZZA HUT!
That 'orlean's Chicken' was very nice! and then I bought a necklace...
Well, it was crown-shaped... MY DREAM!!!!
haha...Eating mooncake now...Laz one in my hse...
YEAH! l8r going to West coast Park for picnic...
So I had better study now... do one paper?
Then watch the 3 to 5 pm show...
And well, 2moro, the start of the school term...ARH!!!
less then a month left!
HAHA... muzn't do laz min work...


Went JP juz now...
Friday, September 5, 2008 @ 3:54 PM

Hi!!! I juz came back from Jurong Point...
Then I bought my fav book!!! Jodi Picoult, The Pact
YEAH! I have been lookin' for it for ages! haha...
But well it coz $16.30
Quite ok la...for such an interesting and thick book....
And to protect my precious bookie, I'm gonna wrap it...HEHE
So, went to eat at McDonalds...BLOATED!!!
So well, got to go rush 3 exam papers, if possible...
Den my mum won't say I lazee...


Drippin' Wet Dae...
Thursday, September 4, 2008 @ 11:50 AM

2dae, I witnessed a flood!
I nearly died...!!! haha...jkjk
Noe dat we're in the months of the' bers' ?
Rain, rain, go away... Come again another day,
Little children want to play, rain, rain, go away...
2dae was Chi supp... And it was raining like crazy!
Haiz... From the window, I saw the road was flooded with mud and rainwater...
BUt there was sth so fun! LeeHui, Jing,Cui , Rachel and I made the dash in the rain.
Haha...ending up like a ' luo tang ji'!!!
Haiz... but, I found out how it felt like to be like children of the past.
playing in the rain... bathing... (ewww) LOL
But well, I'm home, safe from the rain. and dry...
Now the rain have stopped...GREAT!
Going to have my lunch now... so bb! XD

Sth funny...
There's some songs which I think is very suitable for people in our class...

The song is: What Can I do ( The Corrs )
Check out the link below...It's in a video form
well this song applies to someone who liked to eat vinegar so much!
You noe who? XD
There's lyrics... So juz look at the lyrics...



What a *toot* day...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 @ 4:27 PM

Haiz...2dae realli a...day
so many bad stuff...
I guess you should noe rite?
But there's one more thing I'm realli pissed off by.
For some, you should noe...Especislly those who read EeLynn's blog...( Bout gal)
ok then... Everything have it's pros and cons rite?
So 2day, i found out how to count PSLE marks...sth dat my mum was dying to noe...
ya, so,i got 270/300
haha...my goals are higher...Wishing for a higher mark...XD
YOu might think dat I'm so *bu zi liang li*
but well... Aim high not low...
So, I oso went to buy bubble tea with lh, cui and Jing.
The one near the blue cross...I guess?.?
Ya,... But still prefer the one in Jp...can't remember the name...=P
but well, going with friends... GREAT!
So, how's prep for PSLE? good?
Hope so... For me,it's ok...
Anyways, gtg revise lerhs... Going to do PSLE Eng...
Ok then .... ve a good day!!!
For sum of you cya 2moro in chi supp!


Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 3:22 PM

Split personality
Welcome To imirosq-lollipop-lovemusic.blogspot.com

This blog belongs To
Mi, Miranda, iMirosq
Hate Me or Copycats?'Click Here' & SHOO!:D
Luv ya!

My Bear, Tasha
Music ♫♪
Tee-s & Dresses!
MY EL 100
My O3 Hybrid Pink

☠ Gummies
☠ Raisins
☠ Yoghurt
☠ Shows wif MEANINGLESS endings
☠ Comparing

A NIKE bottle
A NEW Wrislet
A Phone Cover
Go to Beijing!
A Stagea Mini
MORE Dresses/Shoes
iPod Touch

the past matters
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009

thank you very much
Designer: ForThe!Wonder
Talk your way out

Hope to see you again
6eo8 :D
Cui Fang
Ee Lynn
Hong Ying
Jing Qiau
Lee Hui
Bing Geng
jps friends :D
Si Min
Ee Jean
onegeeohnine :D
mg friends :D
church/tuition friends:D
Lim Han
Lim Wen
Lim Yun
Choi Ying
Shop #1
Shop #2
BeBoldBeautiful (My Bro's)